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Everything posted by anthlady

  1. I'm also curious about this. I don't want to assume rejection but I mean....it's been awhile.
  2. Honestly, yeah. I applied to 4 programs but hopkins was my best fit. I want to have hope, but I don't want to feel foolish. We can be sad together
  3. I'm a senior in undergrad applying for sociocultural phd programs. I'm wondering how specific to make my SoP. I know the general area I want to study in, and I'm writing my senior honors thesis on the topic, but how in-depth should my SoP be? Do I need to clearly outline a specific problem/theory or I can I generally say: I'm interested in the intersection of racial white privilege and poverty and the ways in which these individuals utilize resources to construct meaning and identity in relation to notions of health, beauty and education. My work will draw on a framework of political economy, practice theory, and critical whiteness studies. I elaborate a bit on a lack of previous ethnographic research in this field, but I'm not too sure how specific I should get. I think I prefer to dedicate more space to how my work will fit into a certain program? I'm applying to UCLA, U of T-Austin, Johns Hopkins, and CUNY if that matters I appreciate your thoughts!
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