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letssee last won the day on March 31 2020

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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Don’t HMs get access to some resources online or something? I thought that was the case but could be wrong. I know they’ve also drawn late awards from the HM pool in past years although the chances are very low.
  2. For my fellow HMs - anyone now holding out hope that some people will decline their awards? ?? I’ve heard of a few late fellowships being given in past years if funding is available after the deadline for acceptance.
  3. https://www.research.gov/grfp/AwardeeList.do?method=loadAwardeeList you can click this link and search your name. I got HM. A little disappointing but I guess there’s always the chance people decline.
  4. Y’all they’re up
  5. Lol. I’m trying to limit myself to checking every half hour. That and binge watching netflix will hopefully help, but my heart rate is definitely up! I have a lab meeting early tomorrow morning and I would die if I could tell my advisor and labmates I got it.
  6. Every time my phone buzzes for the next eight hours I’m gonna have a heart attack
  7. Just to be clear we don’t know what time it’ll come! I was just using random times as an example
  8. I’m really sorry to hear that! It’s always super hard losing a pet. Likewise I tend to be up pretty late anyway so depending when it comes out I might still be up.
  9. My understanding is that’s correct, but we might get emails before the list on the site itself goes live in the morning. Not sure though so don’t quote me on that lol! edit: for example, if results technically go up at 11 and we get the email at 2, I don’t expect to see the full list until the next morning but we’d know whether we got it.
  10. I spent the last two weeks waiting for this notification and now that it’s here I wish I hadn’t seen it lol
  11. I’m not sure these types of stats exist! To be honest I’m not even sure whether they allot a certain number of fellowships per field, although I don’t think that they do.
  12. Good to see another psychology applicant, even though we're wildly different subfields! I honestly feel like I have no idea what to expect as far as results. Like you said there's really more qualified applicants than there are funding positions, so even though I'm proud of my application I'm not super confident about my chances. I'm also in the same boat as far as no publications which I think is one of the biggest weaknesses of my application. I do have a paper in the review cycle and a handful of conference presentations, but I feel like they really expect 2nd years to have accepted papers. My lab was in an odd spot when I joined, our primary project is rather long term and we're just now getting to more of a write up stage.
  13. Yeah, even last year with the shutdown maintenance was announced the night before on a normal (Tuesday/Friday) day, so I doubt it. Also, the GRFP account just tweeted something unrelated about women's history month. They only tweet once every couple of months in the spring and one of those is always the results announcement, so that almost gave me a heart attack when I saw the username pop up in my feed, lol.
  14. While we're waiting, what did everyone apply under and is it your first time? I'm a 2nd year PhD applying for the first time under I-O psychology.
  15. I've never heard of that! That's really funny though, where did you hear about that?
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