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  • Gender
  • Location
    Beijing, China
  • Interests
    Piano, music, reading, karaoke.
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Munk School

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  1. Awesome! I’m going to PM my personal contacts.
  2. I got in with no funding. BA in Tourism Management, MA in Intercultural Communication, both from Chinese universities. My undergraduate GPA was really shitty ( 65), though my graduate grades improved significantly( 85, which would be B+?) I thought my low undergraduate grades would seriously hurt my chances, so I emailed Megan and the MGA program director last summer to explain my situation. Both told me they’d give more weight to my graduate GPA and work experience because I’d been out of school for some years. So future applicants, take notice! If you have poor scores, don’t get discouraged! Do apply if other components of your application can shine through! But bear in mind that poor academic performance means you may end up paying full tuition fees. Where I was trailing behind others, I tried to make it up with my professional experience. In my personal statement, I talked about my job as a researcher&writer focusing on China for the past six years. ( Two years with the Financial Times, currently with the New York Times). I am very interested in exploring the economic and political impact of China’s global ascendance as Trump’s America turns inward, a theme I also repeated in my global affairs essay. In it, I talked about Trudeau’s botched attempt to launch the free trade negotiation with China and how Canadian policy markers can address some contentious issues through legal tools and a better understanding of China’s unique policymaking apparatus. As for the recommendation letters, one of my referees is a renowned China scholar at the Brookings, the other NYT’s Asia business editor. Still waiting to hear back from UBC’s MPPGA program. Best of luck to everyone!
  3. I got my acceptance letter a few hours ago. One of the attached documents has this line: " If you have been offered a scholarship, you will find a funding letter attached below." I have not seen such a letter, so I'm assuming there is no funding? Two past MGA students told me the funding details came with the official acceptance letter, which seems to be an experience shared by an applicant from this year who heard back in Feb? I'm an applicant from China btw.
  4. That’s for their PhD programs. MGA is a professional masters degree, so funding is limited. I am not sure how many international students they accept each year, but I doubt it’s just one or two. After all, it’s called Masters of Global Affairs...
  5. Btw, someone posted in 2017 that he/ she received $ 17,000 in funding... https://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=Toronto+Global&t=a&o= A Chinese student who started school at Munk in 2016 told me she got around $ 12,000. Funding would be good. That said, I'd be all over the moon if I were accepted. But then I'd have to juggle part-time gigs and school. That's no fun.
  6. Ugh! I need to go rob a bank if I get accepted into the program...
  7. I doubt that it's really the MOST competitive graduate program in Canada. Munk doesn't publish admissions figures but UBC's Computer Science masters is just as competitive, if not more. See their enrollment data. https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/graduate-degree-programs/master-of-science-computer-science More shocking to me is Munk's astronomical tuition fees for international students...I wish I had some sort of magic power to change all my RMB into USD...
  8. Thanks Lily for sharing your thoughts. Sorry about your experience at the hip hop club.I've heard similar stories before. Echoing what Lily said about the acceptance rate... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNAUT_sGr9o&t=455s Janice Stein, the founding Director of the Munk School, said in 2015 that the MGA was the most competitive graduate program to get into in Canada.
  9. Thanks A2018! I am aware that Toronto is a much more culturally diverse city:) I was just a bit worried that the busy life people lead might fray social relations. I guess I’ll have to see for myself...if I made it there.
  10. Thanks for your feedback! I didn't think class size would be a factor. That totally makes sense. My fingers are crossed!
  11. Congrats to Simon and limbsun on the offer. That's great news! As the excruciating wait begins, I'd like to get your thoughts on an unrelated topic. ( yes, I'm also looking at those who are lurking...lol ) I think Munk is a great school, but I'm a bit concerned about the student life if I'm lucky enough to get in. I'm somehow under the impression that it's hard to make friends in a big city like Toronto. And this CBC headline is not helping. Nearly 70% of university students battle loneliness during school year, survey says http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/university-loneliness-back-to-school-1.3753653 According to one report, 56% of international students said they have no Canadian friends. Stunned! https://www.timeshighereducation.com/content/welcome-to-canada-but-dont-expect-to-make-friends I already have a masters degree from China but I did not quite appreciate the rote learning approach. That's one reason why I am hoping to get a formative education at a good school in North America. An outstanding teaching faculty does matter, but I'm also hoping to build friendships with other fellow students in the program. I'd be very keen to learn from them and grow together as we pursue our academic and career goals. Before submitting my applications, I checked out a few schools and program options in Canada. At one point, I was pretty dead serious about applying to a PhD program at McGill. So I emailed about half dozen PhD students and professors there. To my surprise, EVERYONE I reached out to replied and was generous enough to offer their advice. I ended up meeting a potential supervisor who said she'd be happy to review my research proposal before the application deadline. Two PhD students there also offered to help edit my research paper. Long story short, I decided not to apply in the end because doing a PhD is a BIG commitment. I thanked them and said I'll apply elsewhere. In comparison, folks at Munk can be a bit hard to get hold of, though I must say most people I reached out to did get back to me. Still, I never heard back from some students after emailing them. Some promised to chat but failed to follow through. I am a journalist and that means I'm always ready to network and make new friends, but I worry people in Toronto ( including UofT graduate students) are so caught up in their busy life that making meaningful connections would be hard. I've never studied abroad so I'd be curious to learn more about international students' life on campus. I love classroom learning as much as networking! Anyways, I'm getting way ahead of myself because my application is still being reviewed, but I'd be really grateful if you could share your thoughts. Good luck to all and hope our paths will cross in Toronto this fall. Cheers, Owen
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