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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    African Studies

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  1. Looks like the US dept Education released a call for applications last week: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/05/25/2018-11261/applications-for-new-awards-national-resource-centers-program-for-foreign-language-and-area-studies Fingers crossed that all of our NRCs get funding!
  2. oh wow I hope this is not the case The recent budget for the U.S. department of Education did include funding for the program the FLAS comes out of and the application cycle recently opened up for schools to apply. Is your school applying this cycle?
  3. I am waiting to hear from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I need to get used to the waiting game asap because it is killing me softly! I did not get a GA position at a different department because I "might" get FLAS.
  4. I was told the same thing. I just wish the US DoE sent out applications earlier because this waiting game is no fun!
  5. That's frustrating because the summer FLAS notifications should be out by now.
  6. I definitely feel you on this. However, the recent US dept of Education's budget includes funding for the program that FLAS comes out of. There is still hope for some of us still waiting for FLAS announcements.
  7. I feel you! I was in the same same situation years ago. However, with time you will find someone or be completely fine with not having someone. You got this sista!
  8. @Bodhicaryavatara I would suggest getting in touch with the FLAS center. @mrs12 Thank you for your response. I was told that I will hear back at the end of July
  9. Schools are waiting on the US department of Education to renew FLAS funding. Last time I heard, schools will hear back from the department of education in the Summer (Late July). I am in the same boat because my top choice offered me FLAS given that their funding gets renewed. We might not hear back until a month before school starts
  10. Congratulations! Heard back from all the schools that I applied to . 1 Rejection and 3 admits!! Good luck to everyone!
  11. Hi All, Thought I'd start a thread on this. I was notified that I will receive for FLAS given that the school receives Title IV funding from the Department of Education. Does anyone know when schools will receive notification about the funding or the timeline from the department of education? I just want to know if I will get funding or not
  12. I have heard back with some good and bad news! I am applying with just a B.A as well Hold on tight! I hope you hear back with some good news soon!
  13. I am sooo late, I forgot my password ha Thank you! Good luck to you too! I applied to Cornell, UW Milwaukee, Temple, and UCLA. Research interests are Pre-colonial African economic policies, PanAfricanism, critical thinking in African communities etc. Still working on my elevator pitch as well. What are yours? I am surprised there aren't a lot of people on this thread. I wonder if less people applied this cycle?
  14. Hello Everyone I am applying to African studies programs as well! Anxiously waiting to hear back!
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