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  1. Hey y'all, I'll be moving down to Knoxville sometime in the late summer to begin a PhD in Geography. I'm from NYC, go to school in Western NY, enjoy food-related activities (eating, cooking, grocery/farmer's market shopping), being active (because it allows me to eat more), and photography. I also like to prioritize experiences, especially with travelling, and seek to visit new places every few months or so (both domestic and international); I'm a Geography student so it's in the job description! My research interests lie in the intersection of urban geography, transportation geography, east-Asian studies, social equity, and geographic information systems; for an example of my work from my undergraduate capstone seminar, I analyzed the social equitability of access to public transportation in Shenzhen, China in the context of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals 9 and 11. But I'm also interested in topics pertinent to sustainability, food systems, kinesiology, nutrition, immigration, diversity, race and ethnicity, mindfulness, perfumery, and fashion! I've only met a handful of people at UTK during my short visit and I'm excited to meet other people! What are your main reasons for choosing UTK? What are your particular research interests? Cheers, Jimmy
  2. @kpietromica My interests lie in the intersection of urban, social, and transportation geography and GIS. More specifically, I am interested in the social equitability of access to public transportation in cities, but I'm sure my direction will change as I take more coursework and progress into the graduate program. I am seriously impressed by the Geography program at UTK (which is why I decided to go there!) The department occupies an entire building with four floors and contains amazing facilities (research labs, offices, classrooms), situated in the heart of campus. Coming into my visit, I had few doubts about the academic rigor but I was still wary of its geography. You can probably tell by my username, but I am Chinese-American, so I was hesitant to commit to a program with my preconceptions of the south. For me, I knew committing without visiting was not possible. What really sold me was the faculty: go on the website and look at the faculty bios; the diversity of faculty and students alike is unlike many other departments and something that I have come to really appreciate. During my visit, the faculty I spoke to were incredibly proud of the different backgrounds and ethnicities represented; iirc nearly half of the department is non-white. I had the opportunity to sit down with seven different professors there and spoke to them at length about not only the academics, but overall life and wellbeing in Knoxville, because the latter was my main concern. I've since reconciled my fears because (1) Knoxville is in a liberal bubble and seems rather inclusive (there was a Woman's Rights march a short while ago; and the education system cultivates diversity and tolerance), (2) it'll only be a few years of my life, (3) the academic opportunities, with 6+ professors specializing in GIS and Oak Ridge National Lab nearby, are simply too lucrative to pass on, and (4) Knoxville is an up-and-coming city with a growing food scene and access to outdoorsy-activities (hiking, rowing, etc.) Above all, it was the incredibly kind, supportive, and welcoming faculty that really won me over. They were incredibly accommodating and sincere, and their honesty during my personal meetings is something I value greatly. Knowing myself, I am someone who needs a strong support system of professors and mentors to guide me because I am pretty much clueless about the whole grad-school thing; I am the first in my family to even go to college. My potential adviser is also one of the most wonderful people I have ever met in my life and identifying the right adviser was my highest criteria in narrowing down my choices. Hopefully this is the information you are looking for. Let me know if you'd like me to share some more!
  3. Hi all, I will be attending UTK for a PhD in Geography beginning in August. I've begun to look at housing options and I am keen on the downtown area (but also open to other neighborhoods.) What should I expect in terms of pricing for a studio/1 BD/2 BD? Would anyone have any other recommendations? Ideally, I'd like to be in a place that's conducive to walking, has a sense of 'community,' and is also accessible to campus - especially the Burchfiel Geography building. I would also appreciate any tips or information that you could provide me! Anyone else also coming down to Knoxville for the first time? Any townies looking to befriend a newbie from the northeast? Feel free to reach out to me! Cheers
  4. @kpietromica I will most likely not be attending it because I visited Knoxville just last week.
  5. @kpietromica I would not read into it. You got accepted so that means they definitely want and see incredible potential in you. I have been met with such kindness and warmth by different faculty at UW Geography, and I am sure that will be the case for you as well! After mulling it over, I declined my offers to UW and UBC and have decided to pursue a PhD at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Best of luck to everyone
  6. @kpietromica I was contacted about my status by professors via e-mail. Wishing you the best of outcomes!
  7. Hey y'all, I've been lurking the Geography forum and results for the past few months. I am hesitant to reveal my details until after I have accepted an offer; and I have not posted in the results section. Although, my username hints at some information. I do recognize I am in an incredibly fortunate situation, and I hope the best for everyone. University of Washington, Seattle (Accepted) University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Accepted) University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Accepted) Arizona State University, Tempe (Invitation to Visit Day) University of California, Los Angeles (TBD) Pennsylvania State University, University Park (TBD)
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