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Everything posted by csd123

  1. Thank you all for your answers! I guess I'm just stressed with job flexibility/ salary for audiologists. I think I like audiology more than SLP, but the fact that hearing aids and what not are not covered by health insurance is stressing me out. I guess I'm afraid people will continue to get hearing aids from Costco, and audiology may not be as viable as it was 20 years ago. I'm just torn because I know audiology is a better fit but I'm a worrywart. Also that was me who originally posted, I just forgot my login info lol
  2. Will be declining spot at IUP, and take myself off the waitlist for St. Xavier University
  3. One of the schools I was admitted to said that I need to retake a course with a C or better to attend. However, I got a B- in the class! I'm pretty confused because they even listed my undergrad as a place I could retake it. How does that make sense that I have to retake a class, but I could do worse than I did before? Like I could literally retake it with the same professor and do worse to have to attend there. Idk I feel like it has to be a mistake or it' just a ridiculous stipulation. Is there a way I can address this while sounding respectul?
  4. I just double checked online and they never mentioned an interview when I applied, so I was pretty confused that it was mentioned in the email. I can't see it hurting their decision because acceptance decisions should come out before the open house, but maybe it will hurt scholarships and assistantships? Ugh.
  5. Hi guys! So yesterday I heard back from a school, asking if we could attend an open house on March 30th or April 6th. The school is super far from me, and I don't know if I can afford a plane ticket in such a short amount of time. However, in the email the said that "Attendance at the open house will count toward the interview portion of the application". Will it count against me if I can't attend these open houses? Will most schools not look down on this and give you a Skype interview? This is my only school with an interview so I don't really know the protocol.
  6. Same! I would really appreciate it
  7. Does anyone have any information on their Purdue application? I haven't heard anything back but from the results section some people have gotten in already
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