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    2018 Fall
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  1. Didn't receive anything, just looked online to see what the next steps were and went to the Graduate awards officer to hand in my acceptance papers. My school deposits SSHRC through your student account so you have to ask for the money to be withdrawn from the account. Hope this helps!
  2. Just got offered SSHRC from Carleton!
  3. I am on the alternate list. A lady at the FGPA told me that I should be patient and that it very likely that I'll make it off the list on Monday or Tuesday of this week... heres to hoping.
  4. That's strange... I was told that I'd likely get off the alternate list next week... I don't think this is the case considering that there are still alternates out there..
  5. Congrats! When did you get the email? I am antsy now! I called the office on Friday and they said but I will likely be receiving an offer this week. I hope I move up as well.... fingers crossed!
  6. Finishing my undergrad at Carleton, and I was waitlisted as an alternate here... not offered at McGill. Just wanted to let alternates at Carleton know though... our university (admin staff) has been on strike for the past four weeks and they just returned on Wednesday. I wonder if alternate offers are being sent out or if the FGPA office is really backed up and is delayed in sending out offers (of admission and/or ) to alternates. I tried calling but I haven't been able to get ahold of anyone yet. Anyone out there who was initially an alternate receive an offer since April 1? Or anyone have luck contacting the office and asking?
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