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  1. They don’t really update the GradApp I guess after you’ve submitted. I would send an email or call Kim Sassar or maybe even Dr. Marrone tomorrow? Maybe they don’t have the correct contact info?
  2. @DrAudi I got an email from UA today letting me know all of their spots have been filled. I hope that you were able to get in. I’ll be at ASU unless anything changes.
  3. Yes! Please let me know as well!
  4. I called Dr. Marrone yesterday, she said we would be getting emails in the next few days regarding our position.
  5. I’m waiting on the University of Arizona’s waitlist ranking. I NEED to know
  6. Who has been accepted to The University of Arizona, who has been waitlisted? Does anybody know their rank on the waitlist? I’m on the waitlist and I’m getting so nervous! I’ve been accepted at Arizona State, Central Michigan and Western Michigan. I’m definitely choosing either ASU or UA(if I get in). I’d definitely prefer UA though. I wonder if it would be inappropriate to ask for my rank on their(UA’s) waitlist.
  7. I’m also on the waiting list at UofA and honestly FREAKING OUT. I’m accepted at ASU but would rather go to UA. I already turned down two other acceptances and I’m banking on this.
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