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Everything posted by cneuz

  1. Congrats to everyone receiving acceptances!! I only applied to Western, and I did not get in. Which is okay, I was expecting it. It feels like crap though, no matter how much you prepare or how little hope you let yourself have. I'm here for anyone who needs to vent. The rigamarole they put you through just to get an expensive education is unreal, you could end up investing so much of your time and money and then might have to potentially just move on to something less competitive... sooo scary. anxiety inducing. and and like, WHY aren't there more schools offering this program when so many people clearly want to take it and SLPs are in such high demand? What the heck is with that Canada. Anyways, I will be heading to Lambton in the fall for a year long CDA program. This will give me a lot of hands on experience and more grades to improve my sGAP with as well (it is currently a 3.3, like I said, little hope lol) so hopefully next application season will go better ? This leads me to a question I have: does anyone know how they pick and choose which post-secondary courses count/don't count towards sgpa, mainly Dal? I've read a lot of confusing info, like if you continued your education after your undergrad, they'll take 10 courses from your undergrad and 10 from your post-grad studies or something? I took a post-bach course at wayne state and they used all of my grades from that for my western sGPA... But I worry my CDA grades might not apply? Or just not at dal. Anywho, hoping someone can help clear that up for me. I am planning to actually save up and apply to western, dal, maybe even alberta idk. dal says they don't use certain grades, but also says they might if they're related to the field, which mine would be... ?‍♀️ PS I was watching the Hannibal show earlier this week and there was an episode where a character is ..maimed... and no longer has lips and they had the nerve to make his labiodental sounds completely normal, some bilabial too. Anyone else pick up on this stuff now? We clearly need more speech experts in the entertainment industry ?
  2. Hey! I'm in the same boat as you, I could only apply to Western, my subGPA is 3.3 so... outlook not good but I have a plan B that'll hopefully make potential third time the charm... that gives me *slight* peace of mind (how many years am I going to do this before I give up?? and what does that mean for me when SLP feels so right for me??) ... plan B for me is the CDA program at Lambton College, the way I see it I'll get more good grades to boost my subGPA, actual clinical hours and way more experience, and a diploma I can get a job with in case everything goes sideways. I too am trying not to lose hope! I always hear that Western does look at the whole application and not just GPA, so having good, wide-ranging volunteer experience and letters of rec are a big part of it my fingers are crossed for everyone, the world needs more SLPs.
  3. Hey!! I just checked too and my subGPA is 3.31... my overall is terrible, only 2.78. This is my second time applying, first time was in 2018 and my subGPA was 2.91, didn't get accepted obvs. 3.31 is so much better but I'm still worried it isn't competitive enough (esp. with my overall being so low... do they look at overall too? or just sub? eeeeeeep). Also feeling discouraged, but also hoping my observation/volunteer hours help boost me. I think we have a good shot! I only applied to Western because it seems like my only realistic option/can only afford so many application fees.
  4. Hey, they said that roughly 400 people apply and they accept about 50-52 and subGPA range was 3.5 - 4.0 of those accepted.
  5. Does anyone know which programs in Canada require the GRE and which don't? I can't really find consistent info on which schools require it. Also, can people who were accepted to Western PM me with their stats?
  6. Hey! I am applying to the SLP program at Western. Honestly I'm not holding out a lot of hope that I'll get in this time around. My GPA is roughly a 3.3 - 3.4, so I don't think I'll make it through due to the competitive GPAs of other applicants and the admittance numbers. But I also have a lot of volunteering experience in various areas; I volunteer with children in school as a mentor, I volunteer at a Distress Centre, and I am volunteering with an SLP at a children's centre as well. I heard having lived in another country is a plus, which I've done (student exchange to Germany), and I also know a second language and have beginner's knowledge of a third. Right now I'm working as a community support worker... Sigh. I dunno. I will have some good reference letters and am working on what will hopefully be a funny, memorable personal statement. I'm just really hoping they look at everything combined and not my GPA alone, because then maybe I stand a chance. I'm taking more uni classes in the new year, trying to be proactive regarding my GPA, so that if I don't make it through this time, hopefully the second time around I do. I'm really nervous about this whole process, more so now that I've started actually working on the different parts of my application, realizing what a task it will be to get it all finished. But I'm honestly just really excited to have a clear goal. While I was getting my undergrad (in Psychology) I had no idea at all and it was mentally draining.
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