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Everything posted by mustmatatus

  1. UC Irvine is such a great school though! You should definitely consider it, if it matches with your research interests of course.
  2. Duke: Feb 21-23 UC Boulder: Feb 28-March 1 University of Alabama: February 28-March 2 Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL): February 28-March 2  Indiana University: March 1 U Wisconsin-Madison: March 3-5 Illinois (Urbana): March 4-5 Stanford: March 6-8 Northwestern: March 7-9 Saint Louis University: March 8 UC Santa Barbara: March 8 University of Minnesota: March 14-15 UC Santa Cruz: March 14 Kansas: March 17-19 Vanderbilt: March 21-22 Rice University: March 21-23 USC: March 24-26 UT Austin: March 28-30 UC Davis: April 2 U Oregon: April 4-6
  3. Emory: Feb 6-9 Duke: Feb 21-23 University of Alabama: February 28-March 2 Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL): February 28-March 2 U Wisconsin-Madison: March 3-5 UC Santa Cruz: March 14-17 Vanderbilt: March 21-22 Rice University: March 21-23
  4. Same. I feel like it's really hard for me to talk about concrete reasons for wanting to get an English PhD to other people, because the rest of the world always tries to disprove my reasons for doing so.
  5. Yeah! I presented at the Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors Society) International Convention last year and the SoCal Conference for Undergraduate Research. There should be more I think
  6. OMG I got into Duke English too!
  7. Emory: Feb 6-9 University of Alabama: February 28-March 2 Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL): February 28-March 2 U Wisconsin-Madison: March 3-5 UC Santa Cruz: March 14-17 Rice University: March 21-23 UC Santa Cruz: March 14-17
  8. Also for info, Wisconsin-Madison's visit weekend is March 3 to 5.
  9. @Bopie5 I have a similar problem. My friends want to go on vacation the last week of March, but I don't know about visit weekend dates yet. Are you going to book flights or wait for a bit?
  10. @dilby I did my undergrad in UCLA, and was quite close to most of the faculty you mentioned. Let me know if you ever want more information about the department or individual people.
  11. Thank you everyone! Yes, it does sound like a recruitment weekend, rather than a formal interview process. Excited to visit Emory though!
  12. Hi guys, I'm one of the Emory interviewees. Have been lurking here for a while and y'all seem like really nice people. Does anyone have any idea what the interview is supposed to consist of? The DGS emailed me and said there'd be dinners, social events, a city tour (??), and interviews with faculty. It's a four-day thing and that feels like a super long time. Let me know if anyone knows anything about the interview process. I'm super anxious about it.
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