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Posts posted by halcyonday

  1. 5 hours ago, kaithewriter said:

    I accepted UW Madison's Rhetoric, Politics, & Culture PhD. It's a huge leap of faith, what with leaving California and all, but I think it's going to be worth it! The program looks perfect and the people are awesome so...here goes nothin'. :)

    Lol I'm having exactly the opposite problem leaving the Midwest for California... good luck to the both of us :)

    edit: or, perhaps, exactly the same :) 

  2. On 4/3/2019 at 2:40 PM, Psyhopeful said:

    So we're getting down to the wire. Where is everyone going? I'm still trying to decide, but hoping to finalize my choice this weekend.

    Leaning UCSD, but going to approximately 1000 more meetings to solicit more unhelpful opinions. I love the program, but I'm struggling with how far away it is... so if anyone has any thoughts on moving 30 hours from family and support I'd be interested to hear it. 

  3. On 3/20/2019 at 5:35 PM, Psyhopeful said:

    I got my official offer from UCSB with a surprise competitive fellowship and had my last two prospective weekend visits and now it’s decision time! I did not expect to be in this position, or for the decision process to be so hard. I think it’s probably going to come down to finances for me, which is a shame, because I really liked everything about the programs I’m choosing between. 

    Would any of you consider less financial stability (and therefore stress) to go somewhere where a POI really wants you and you think it’d be a good experience if your other option was much better financially and you also felt like it would be a good fit?

    Yeah, I'm considering it right now--UCSD offered nearly double what Illinois did (also thanks to a competitive fellowship surprise) and either would be a good fit, but I'm seriously considering Illinois because their institutional resources/position could really mean a lot for my project in a way UCSD doesn't. I also have strong ties to that area, though, and the personal/familial support I feel like would counterbalance (some of) the financial issues at play. If you think your stress would be noticeably more/quality of life noticeably less with the stipend difference, don't feel ashamed in making a choice based on finances if that's what's right for you--when you think about the burnout rate in academia, prioritizing those concerns isn't selfish or petty or whatever, it's thoughtful and practical. 

  4. 1 hour ago, IBrakeForVanJohnson said:

    Have you gone out to Illinois yet? I have a friend who also got accepted to ICR and he got very mixed reviews from students there when he visited. FWIW he's coming from a more Media Studies than Mass Comm perspective

    I didn't visit (I'm from that area originally, so hard to justify time off), but I had some very nice Skype/phone interviews with faculty. Would you mind sharing some of your friend's concerns? I'd appreciate hearing them (or by personal message if they're too sensitive for the open forum!) 

  5. Welp, shut out at Northwestern so that's a wrap on application results for me.

    I'm deciding between University of Illinois (ICR PhD) and UCSD (dual Comm/Science Studies PhD). Coming from another field I've been having trouble figuring out the reputations of different programs, so I'd be interested to hear your opinions here. Illinois seems to place their students better, but I don't know much beyond that. My work is broadly media/cultural studies (and my MA is culture studies) but I do science texts, if that makes a difference.

  6. On 3/11/2019 at 12:11 PM, cables said:

    How are people feeling? I hope the people who got rejected aren't too depressed. Now that I"m finishing up my Masters, I see that getting rejected isn't all a bad thing in every case. For me, if I get rejected from my final place, that will give me time to define my projects much more, and look at more programs and contact people, and find somewhere that will be a better fit. I know some of us are just trying to get the degree, and we are dealing with job insecurity and stuff. But I just wanted to throw that out there... and also trying to remind myself! I just saw someone say they're glad they were rejected bc it allowed them to refine their approach and they ended up getting into a top school. Personally I know my app wasn't what it could be, so I'm trying to see it as an opportunity... xx 

    What a nice sentiment :) I washed out on american studies but have some options in comm, so it looks like I'm jumping fields again. This kind of attitude is something I'll miss though, AMST and identity studies folks are always so kind in a way that doesn't seem to be true in every field. 

  7. 8 hours ago, commcalm said:

    I did not interview at Northwestern, but I still have yet to hear anything. I emailed the department a couple weeks ago to (politely) ask when decisions went out, and the department said "we have until mid-March." So, in short, still waiting!

    Do you mind sharing which department you spoke with? I know they all do things a little differently, but I think funding decisions have already come down from the school since apparently someone in performance studies was notified...

  8. Late to comment, but I deferred from my current MA for a year for relationship reasons--wanted my partner to finish his MS so we could move together. The program had no problem with my deferment, didn't even care why. I know several other folks who've done so as well, for a variety of more and less important reasons. I don't know why everyone in this thread seems to think they're impossible--they're somewhat common, at least in my experience. 

    Though it depends on the program and the application year, a lot of places are happy to hold your place/funding for a year because that means they can admit someone else they were excited about (real applications this year are always more exciting than giving up a spot for a hypothetical application next year). If you've already been accepted, I don't think it would hurt to at least put some feelers out. I wouldn't broach the subject til I had an admissions letter in hand, though.

  9. 3 hours ago, sadgworl said:

    I read the post where we are expecting to hear from UT Austin in the next week or so now, but does anyone have any insights on the current situation? not sure why they would send out waitlists and rejections but no mention of acceptances... unless those people happen to not use GC at all? 

    it's one of my last programs to hear from and I am just ready for closure!

    No clue, but I hope someone from here gets in! After seeing so many waitlists, it'd be weirdly fulfilling to see someone I "know" get that brass ring. Good luck!

  10. 6 minutes ago, CeeJay46 said:

    Well, as of last night I got my confirmation: for three years in a row I was not good enough for American Studies.

    I guess I am done with that field.

    Hey, I'm really sorry. For what it's worth, I don't think it's at all about "good enough," I think it's just an ever-tightening needle's eye of scholarship. I'm just finishing up an MA in AMST, and was told by several programs my work "didn't feel like American Studies".... despite having been produced in that field...... I think it's incredibly difficult to get a foot in when the field is so small. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, Lilkubelkobondy said:

    Hi! Lurker here dropping in to second this question...

    I just called the American Studies dept at Harvard to ask if all acceptances have been sent out, and I was told they haven’t been sent out at all. So, very curious to hear from whoever received a voicemail! 

    Ouch, really? That means someone's lying to mess with people's emotions, or (maybe worse) getting false-hope punked... 

  12. 15 hours ago, kaithewriter said:

    Thank you! I'm in a weird place today...I really love Madison (the only PhD I got into), but it will be hard for my partner to find a job there, and if we went to LSE, I'd get to work with a professor who I adore and would be honored to get to work with...but it's only a masters, and I'd still have to apply for a PhD the following year. Penn would have been a nice way to split the difference in terms of doing a phd and also going somewhere my partner is excited about, but...I'm grateful that I even HAVE options! I'm coming from outside of academia -- 10 years since the last time I was in school -- so I knew I was a long shot for most programs. 

    I'm in the last leg of a two-year MA after also being out of school for a while. I wanted to go straight into a PhD, but only got into an MA program. Obviously there are pros and cons to each, but I'll say that doing an MA first let me shake off some of the rust and I'll be a much better PhD student for it. Also, especially if you're looking at humanistic comm programs, it will make you a MUCH more competitive applicant--so if there were places you wanted to go but didn't turn out this application cycle, you know, you might get em next time. 

    Good luck with your decision making! Honestly it's way harder than I expected. I only got into one program last time so I just went there, but now that there are choices...

    Edited to add: I don't know your partner's field, but I lived in Wisconsin just south of Madison a few years back. I watched a lot of folks move up there and find jobs really quickly. 

  13. 59 minutes ago, IBrakeForVanJohnson said:

    Just got a rejection email from Michigan. Oh well. 

    Apparently they had 109 applications, 6 spots, yada yada yada. Congrats to those who got in! 

    Mine came just now too. Congrats to those who landed those spots! 
    Anyone else hear from Brown? Feels like that's coming today/this week too...

  14. 11 hours ago, magnegresswrites said:

    That would be me! Waitlisted at Brown. I'm pleased with news, since I know its a competitive program. 

    sidenote, I got the email on a Saturday. So now if you need me on the weekends, I'll be frantically refreshing my email, knowing that decisions could be sent any day of the week ?

    Congrats! Also, I think all of my communication with Northwestern to this point has been weekends or weekdays after 8pm (7pm in their timezone, but still!). It does make you worry about the rest of them coming in at odd hours...

  15. 59 minutes ago, IBrakeForVanJohnson said:

    I was just informed by one of my professors that I was accepted to BU's American & New England Studies program! This is my first accept and I"m so ridiculously excited!!

    If you're also waiting, it sounds like they have made their decisions and hopefully they'll be notifying people soon!

    Congrats! The first one is the sweetest even if you end up elsewhere. Hope the next few are good news as well!


    7 hours ago, sickeagle said:


     Looks like someone else got accepted to UMich American Culture, via phone call. If those two posts are indeed the only two admits so far, then there would only be about 4 or 5 spots left, based on last year's 6 total admits. So.... good luck! Keeping my phone charged up so that at the very least I will definitely not have a dead phone this weekend, which is always nice.

    Well, congrats to @ExileFromAFutureTime and the other mystery admit! 

    I've been surprised at the teeny cohort sizes everywhere! I'm currently in a culture studies MA program, and my cohort (combined MA/PhD since we do coursework together) is 12, 9 of which are doctoral... 6 is so small, particularly considering Mich (and UT!) are much larger schools. 

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