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Posts posted by SpillToBuilt

  1. 38 minutes ago, pollypocket said:

    Real talk, can anyone talk about the process of; when you have offers, what they usually contain ( financial package, deadline to answer by?) and what is Kosher in terms of financial negotiation? How have people handled this process before, what can we expect? I've heard negotiation is expected?


    Thank you!!!

    Many schools abide by the April 15th deadline for acceptance if I remember correctly. You should be notified of any tuition and/or stipend benefits, and what any stipend would be in exchange for. I am open for negotiation as long as you are doing it tactfully; it also helps if you actually have something to leverage, such as a better offer elsewhere. 

  2. 4 hours ago, SocialKonstruct said:

    Anyone know whether the Yale Interdiscliplinary program is built mostly for film/video artists or also for folks who mix up photography/sculpture or installation work?

    I checked their site. It looks like there is no interdisciplinary program MFA. Or is that not what you meant? That section of the site only talks about certain courses that they offer, specifically in video. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, nevermind777 said:


    I've heard from faculty at my school that Yale's pedagogical model tends to be very top down. Especially in the photography department the reputation is that they prefer to destroy their students and then build them back up. Someone who was accepted into the photo department at Yale started working in drawings and they asked them to leave. I have heard that Yale painting has started to be better ...for example, they just hired Meleko Mokgosi who doesn't really work in a top-down pedagogical model (or so I've heard). The rumor is that many yale students graduate and it takes years for them to make work again after being so demoralized. 

    For what it is worth, I know a few Yale MFA Photo alum personally, and they are all exceptional artists and doing very well!

    One did tell me that most students would cry after/during their first crit, but I thought they were exaggerating. Maybe not though? They also said that the faculty will be hard on you if they think you have more potential.

  4. Tumblr is free and, last I checked, ad free. Wordpress has a free plan but will throw ads on your page. Both are simple to use though. 

    Edit: I think Wix is free too, but they have a pretty obnoxious overlay if ya ask me.

  5. Bumping this thread because it is kind of interesting to see how everyone progressed over the past 3-4 years.

    I checked all of the portfolios. About 30% are no longer hosting their portfolios at the same address. (Did they stop making work or just change the URL?)

    Around 10% did not end up attending an MFA program.

    60% or so went for the MFA and are overall making really interesting work. A few of these people are making absolutely exceptional work.

  6. On 12/29/2019 at 1:20 PM, Rtwoneday said:

    Hey y'all, just found this thread, can't wait for the next portion of the freak out. 

    I work across a lot of disciplines, but I applied for Sculpture programs. If anyone has questions on University of Minnesota or Tulane, I can answer most. 

    I applied to: OSU, VCU, Temple, Rutgers, UGA, UT Austin, and UC Irvine. 

    Website: KeithMichealMurphy.com

    I see you applied to Temple and Rutgers. I know UDel (University of Delaware) is in the area, and all of their MFA students are fully funded with stipends. Maybe worth consideration? 

  7. I was scrolling through old topics out of curiosity, and I came across a post by someone who visited Yale a few years ago for an open house. They said that the MFA faculty said they don’t care if you check that representative work box and that they were unsure why they still had it there. So if this is accurate, it should be a non-issue for you. 

  8. @JBois I would not sweat the CV. Your work and artist statement will likely be far more important at any of these schools. So how is your artist statement? Are you conceptualizing your work? Definitely work on getting toward a cohesive body of work and supporting statement to submit.

    I would also advise you to look at the ceramics students and faculty of these schools—examine their work and what they write about it. Then ask yourself if this seems like what you still want to do (hopefully it is!)

    Personally, I did not feel I aligned with the work of students and faculty at the MFA I chose. My first semester was rough to say the least. But things seem to be turning out ok. ?

  9. On 9/17/2018 at 1:30 PM, color_aid said:

    I wanted to know if anyone has experience with Carnegie Mellon's MFA program. It looks pretty appealing, but I haven't spoken to anyone who went there. Does anyone here have any experience with the program? If so, how did you like it? What did it do well and where did it not work so well?

    I'm particularly interested in their strong "public sphere" component they mention on their website. They say they put a lot of emphasis on "social context and civic engagement as paramount within contemporary art." This really appeals to me, but the language is all pretty vague. I'd like know means in a practical sense in the program and your experience of with this element was.


    What you quoted basically means that the school wants you to have some form of social commentary in your body of work. I would say this is fairly standard across MFA programs.


    Edit: Also, I am not sure how I ended up on a post from 2018... sorry for reviving this thread. :)

  10. On 12/11/2019 at 10:23 PM, Vlad the INpainter said:

    Hi everyone, good info. Does anyone have updates, or more recent info, 2019 going into 2020?

    What kind of updates/info are you looking for? I applied and got in during the 2019 season. These forums were helpful for my sanity during the application season. One semester down, currently on winter break. Overall I love the program, but the expectations are high and many times here have been stressful. I find it very important to make time for self-care. Keep your home clean and organized, exercise, eat well, maintain some form of social life etc. 

    My best advice at this point is to thoroughly check out at each potential program what the graduate faculty’s work is like and how they write about it. If you don’t jive with them, I would highly recommend looking elsewhere. Depending on your situation, it may also be worth waiting until next year if one of your dream/ideal schools passes you up this round instead of going to a backup that you aren’t thrilled about. 

    Feel free to ask me any questions about my experience so far. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Amensalism said:


    I have been hit by the freak out bug. Was wondering if anyone is just going to skip this year and apply for next year? seems pretty late to start applications and bug my teachers for references now.

    For me, it would depend on what my other options were. Nothing much else going on in 2020? Then I’d be lighting a fire under my butt to get the applications in. A month-plus is still plenty of time to get your applications ready anyway. 

  12. @TheRealHankHill I’m trying to figure out if your program’s extra year is a good or bad thing. I do enjoy the crazy pace of the two-year program I am in, but an extra year of stipend, mentorship, and cohort camaraderie sounds damn good as well. My program legitimately feels like fine art boot camp, in a spectacular way, and with less yelling.

  13. 17 hours ago, hinata said:

    I understand that - but it sounds like you know of some names of schools that have this healthy stipend. All of the schools I'm looking at are fully funded, but I would ideally like stipends that are something over 15,000 - 20,000+ a year. Plus I'm looking for more interdisciplinary photo programs.

    I suggest searching “fully funded mfa visual arts” in your search engine of choice—there are already multiple lists with tons of schools.

    What do you mean by interdisciplinary photo programs? An interdisciplinary MFA program refers to artists working with different mediums within the same program, whereas an MFA Photo program would be only photography (or sometimes video too). 

  14. On 11/11/2019 at 9:27 AM, hinata said:

    What programs might you suggest?

    Anything fully funded, preferably with a healthy stipend, that is also near where you want to work after school. But working with the right people may certainly be worth a little less funding/stipend.

  15. On 9/25/2019 at 9:47 AM, hinata said:

    So I've been lurking on here for a few weeks, and I noticed there isn't a new freak out forum!

    I primarily make work in photography. I received my BA in film production in 2018, and now I'm looking for a Photography MFA. I'm doing my best to find full funding as I don't have parents/money/etc. 

    Here are my top schools I would like to apply/attend:

    University of South Florida

    The University of Texas at Austin

    Georgia State University

    University of Georgia
    (Other choices: Iowa, U of M, UNC Chapel Hill, OSU)
    If anyone knows anything about those four tops school, I would be grateful to know more!
    ~*FREAK OUT*~

    Lots more programs with full/significant funding. Definitely do a broader search if funding is a priority. 

    On 10/15/2019 at 2:06 PM, greenflips said:

    I also got my undergraduate (BFA) in film production (in 2012) and am now working on finishing up my applications for an MFA focusing in photography. I'm a bit older than the average applicant I would assume...31.

    certainly in freak out mode. Looking for a fully funded program like many others.

    any helpful information appreciated. currently living in San Francisco but looking into schools in the south because that is where I would like to work.

    California Schools: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, CCA (too expensive)

    Southern Schools: Tulane, UGA, University of Arkansas


    I think UCLA and UCBerk are pointless long shots, but they are such great in-state schools ill try my luck.

    website/work: www.austonmarek.com

    Most people in my program are around 30, and I would expect that to be similar elsewhere. We do have a few people ranging from 40-50 as well. 

    On 10/19/2019 at 11:35 PM, aosd said:

    Hi all, I'm thinking about applying to Yale + others for graphic design in the future, but I'm wondering if applying multiple consecutive years affects an application? At the moment I'm trying to get my chops up so I'm curious if it's worth applying, or saving it for later.

    I remember seeing somewhere on Yale’s site that if you are not accepted after three tries, that you should not apply again. I would look at current students in the program and see how you compare. Also look at what previous grads are doing now and if that exemplifies your goals/appears worth the time and financial commitment. 

    On 10/22/2019 at 12:10 AM, JAPA said:

    I was waiting to see if this thread got more activity, excited that it is! I am currently in my senior year of undergrad working toward a BFA in Painting and Drawing, but I mostly work in combined media and installation. I am trying to figure out if this is the right time for me to apply, or if I should take some time off to solidify my practice outside of an academic setting. However, I am still going to give it a shot for the Fall semester. 

    I make installations that use personal and found domestic items - linens, clothing, furniture and food ingredients. Thematically, I focus on family histories and how they fit into a broader context of history, usually erased histories. My practice and research come together through a process of altering the surfaces of objects I did not make in order to reinvent them or give them a new meaning. (I am also in the process of writing my personal statement, so I am sorry if this makes 0 sense). 

    I am including a list of schools that I am interested in applying to, but I am definitely going to cut it down to 2-3 schools:

    - UNM Albuquerque 

    -Virginia Commonwealth University


    -Hunter College





    If anyone knows something about these schools, or knows someone that attended, lmk.

    I'll post my portfolio as soon as that is a thing that exists in one place. Good luck to everyone!

    The general consensus is to wait at least a year after undergrad before trying to start an MFA. I would think this is especially accurate with big name schools. If I remember correctly, Yale even explicitly states that they prefer applicants not straight out of undergrad. This would be worth looking into before applying.

    Personally, I waited a year before applying. I would have waited longer too, but a previous professor of mine suggested I apply. I am glad I took the time off. I couldn’t imagine going right into an MFA program out of undergrad. Working on your own is a great experience. 

  16. On 5/8/2019 at 8:06 PM, ms_poveda said:

    My freak out: How am I going to fund this?

    I got accepted to the MFA in Creative Writing program at Oregon State University. It is a Low-Residency program (these are fairly new) which means I can work from anywhere, do most of my writing online, and then twice a year visit the campus and spend about 10 days writing and attending lectures. (yay!) 

    Most Low-Residencies while convenient, don't offer full-funding :(

    I'm dying to get my MFA, but have no idea how I'm going to fund the $32K - $51K bill. 

    I know something must exist for me out there (Latina, first-gen grad) but I can't find it!

    Any suggestions??

    This is the visual arts forum. We would not know about writing programs. :) You should look for the writing forum.

  17. On 4/25/2019 at 7:52 PM, frank_37246 said:

    I’m currently on waitlist of my 1st choice dream school “A” - 2 yrs program, I’m really hoping to get off the waitlist…but think its very low possibility.

    But I need to enroll a school anyway to keep my visa since I’m an international. so, I accepted my 2nd choice school “B” which is 3 yrs program.

    If I couldn’t get off the waitlist of “A”, I’m going to attend “B”, but thinking to reapply “A” next year again while attending "B".

    I know its not good and uncommon case, but does anyone have or through same situation? so stressful

    Most places expect you to stay the full two years. If you leave midway, you are effectively wasting a spot that someone else could have taken. Also, I would imagine most places would not even consider you next year if you are already in a program. 

  18. 1 hour ago, notyrs said:

    How is everyone making decisions about $$$?? I got in to NYU & Goldsmiths, but even though NYU has funding for everyone, it's really not enough, and Goldsmiths doesn't have any funding at all for international students. My advisors from undergrad are both telling me to just do it, basically, but everyone else seems much more hesitant, and I'm looking at something like 80k - 100k worth of debt. That seems totally crazy, and I don't know if I should accept one of these offers, apply for external funding, and hope for the best, or if I should just reapply in the future and do better research on funding next time! 

    That’s a lot of money and totally a personal call. If you do wait for next year, definitely consider applying to fully/well-funded programs. But also weigh whether you want to go through another application process/if you really want to get started. Personally, I had no interest in going into debt for an MFA, so I only applied to a well funded program. I think it is somewhat crazy to go into a ton of debt for an MFA—it’s not like we are going to be raking in the dough afterwards. :)

  19. 21 minutes ago, Lemon2Lemonade said:

    Apologies for the question but how do you defer an offer? My letters of acceptance give two options "Yes, I accept" "No, I do not accept." Who do you talk to? or should I get a written agreement? And how to ask about deferring until Spring? Will I lose scholarships/TA deferring an offer? Also, please if anyone goes to Herron (IUPUI) talk to me, I really need advice before I let go. 

    On Herron’s FAQ, they only allow you to start in the fall, similar to most programs that I have seen.


  20. 5 minutes ago, KGrrr said:

    Waitlisted at Sam Fox/Wash U. (extremely flattering for me!) so champing at the bit there, crossing fingers and toes etc.

    Still waiting to hear from Pratt (Integrated Practices).

    Trying many methods to distract myself...


    Hang in there! This process sucks! I was SO relieved when I got my acceptance! The weight instantly gets lifted...


    edit: It helped me a lot to keep making work. 

  21. 16 minutes ago, Pallavi.Daga said:

    Does anyone have an idea how the AAS Program of Graphic Design at Parsons is? How does it compare to a conventional MFA or MDes program? (Pratt/UIC/MICA/NCSU) 

    Any leads would be appreciated. :)

    ?? It is an associates degree. It shouldn’t even be an option if you are applying for MFA programs. While I don’t know that program specifically, it is probably all intro courses to Adobe programs, drawing, color theory, and other fundamentals. It being an AAS instead of AFA means it is likely more technical than fine art driven.

    Edit: Also, that program is now called Communication Design (still an AAS).

  22. 17 minutes ago, tee_lemon said:

    I just received an acceptance with tuition remission, but now I’m even more stressed out as this is my second acceptance, (still waiting on two schools, including one of my top choices). I know its been said many times on this forum to not take out debt to get an MFA but I’m sort of leaning towards another program where I got a decent scholarship but the tuition is still fairly high. I believe the other school to be a much more competitive higher ranked school but I’m still so nervous to take out massive loans to fund it. I’m trying to justify the costs to myself with things like: I’ll be in a city where there is more potential for networking, it will look better on my resume, etc. But I still don’t know. Ah! Hoping I make the right choice in the end. 

    How is everyone else coping with funding? 

    Personally, I would go with the free school unless their program seems super bad, which I would doubt since why would you apply there in the first place? :) Then again, if the debt-burden school is in an area you plan to stay and build a career in, then you do have a tough decision ahead of you. Of course, this depends on the amount of debt... $20k or so is manageable to me if the program is that much better. Any higher and I would have to consider whether it is really worth it. Just my two cents. Good luck. 

  23. 6 hours ago, youlookguilty said:

    Received a rejection notice the other day via UMass Amherst's online portal.

    All I've heard back from out of the 7 schools I applied to has been Yale, MECA, and UMass. Only acceptance was MECA, but their program is still unaffordable for me even with their scholarship and fin. aid package. Does anyone else think it's BS that these "TA positions" provide a stipend of only $3k per year?! 

    Anyway, I'm going to chalk it up as a loss for me.  I'll develop my work some more,  and perhaps apply again in a couple of years since I'm fresh out of undergrad; although I'm thinking graduate school may not be the path for me at this point. Congratulations and good luck to everyone accepted into their programs! 

    I guess it depends on what you are expected to do as a TA. I know several programs offer around $20k/year to TA as an MFA student (plus tuition assistance/free tuition), and I would say that MECA’s $3k is certainly in the minority. 

  24. 4 hours ago, yueeeee said:

    Hey guys,

    The school's postal service says 'decision sent' but I received nothing, any idea? :(It's been a week. 

    I won't be that disappointed if it's a rejection letter, while I do hate the feeling of waiting for something unknown to happen...


    If it has been more than, say, a week, I would email them. 

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