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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    English Lit PhD

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. anyone have any info about the maryland waitlist at this stage?
  2. hey! i applied during my senior year (this cycle) for financial/personal reasons and while it is A Lot, i think it's worth it if you have profs who know you saying that you've got a shot and you're pretty sure it's what you want to do. you might be slightly less competitive because you're younger/didn't take a year off/whatever, but grad school is pretty much a crapshoot anyway, so what really matters is that your application materials are strong enough to speak to your abilities and your passion. i had to rush to finish my senior seminar paper early so that i could use it as a writing sample and, though it could be tighter, i got into two MA programs and am waitlisted for two phd. even if you don't get in anywhere, you still learn a ton just going through the process that would help you the next time around, hypothetically basically, it seems like you've done your homework and applying is what you wanna do. idk you, obv, but i say go for it
  3. anyone else get a more personalized follow-up email from a chicago phd?
  4. anyone have info about the maryland waitlist? /declining acceptance? of the two schools i'm waitlisted at, it's my first choice (my partner lives in dc) and we're stressin
  5. trying to decide if movement on UCSB's waitlist is possible/has happened...anyone have any info?
  6. i mean, if it's casual and it's what you'd be most comfortable in, i think go for it. just don't be too stiff personality-wise? you're admitted anyways
  7. i talked to my advisor and she said do NOT wear a suit, it will be over-the-top. so now im thinking jeans and a blazer. can't decide if my blundstones would be too casual
  8. y'all are inspiring me with these outfits. you're gonna look so great!!
  9. Maryland...I'm at the top of the waitlist and it's one of my first choices. march is gonna be a looooong month..
  10. i was going to wear black jeans but now i'm thinking i should go out and buy a pair of slacks...im not really feeling a dress for the visit.......but i'm not interviewing??
  11. anyone know the etiquette ??
  12. anyone have an idea about how much movement there usually is on maryland's waitlist?
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