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Everything posted by Nataliaspeech

  1. My GPA was low compared to what others have when applying for grad programs, but I became an SLP-A and I think that helped my chances along with being bilingual. If you could focus on studying for the GRE and retaking some classes I think that would be helpful, if possible.
  2. Like the above posts mentioned, it all depends on the programs, but some of the schools that I had applied to would send out an email saying by when we should hear back. Several of them had mentioned around spring break, so mid March would be the first wave of acceptance/waitlist/rejection letters and then I think they (the applicants) would have until early April to send their decisions. Then after that date they would send the next wave of acceptance/waitlist/rejection letters.
  3. I also had a low GPA during my undergrad and not so high scores on the GRE, but I took some leveling classes and became an SLP-A and used my experience working to my advantage when I wrote my statement of purpose. I think with everything that you are involved in should definitely be mentioned in your statement and try to do well in the classes that you have left, but I would definitely try to do really well on the GRE. I know there's several people in my grad program that are leveling students.
  4. The jurisprudence exam isn't difficult at all! There's no need to study for that, but if I remember correctly, I think it allows you to go back on questions that you answered incorrectly in order to get them right. (took the exam like ~3 years ago)
  5. I live in Dallas and there’s several home health jobs available right now from what I’ve heard from other assistants. The office that I’m at right now has had several assistants leave due to the Medicaid pay cuts, but I really like working in home health, it’s a little crazy sometimes, but you get used to it. We work with both kids and adults.
  6. Don’t give up! I told everyone that I wasn’t going to apply again if I wasn’t accepted this cycle, I really did become frustrated and upset with all of the rejections the years before. This is the third year that I have applied and I finally got accepted to Abilene Christian University (Dallas campus) and was waitlisted at the University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University. I luckily got accepted off the waitlist for TWU, and have accepted their offer, but my stats are pretty similar to yours with both low gre/gpa scores. I took a different approach with my statement of purpose this time around and I think it really did help. I also have only been working as an slpa for a little over a year, but worked at an autism center before becoming an slpa. I would definitely consider applying to ACU (Dallas campus) for the next cycle, their requirements aren’t as high as other schools and they require an interview which I believed helped my chances.
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