@Dochinka96 I totally agree w/ @doe-ish's approach to the interview questions and that it's that balance of showing that you've researched while expressing interest (so, y'know, don't ask how large the cohort is, if their website says it. but you COULD spin that into "why does the program choose to select [#] students; how do you think a cohort of that size impacts the students' experience?). my only specific add would be to ask the director what initially drew them to MN State, what has surprised them in their time there, and what keeps them there. gives a chance to connect more personally with the interviewer and to learn what, in their eyes, sets the program apart from similar ones.
and of course it's an opportunity to actually learn about the program's ethos and approach. super simple, but maybe it'd be helpful for you to make a list of all the elements of a hypothetical dream program, and then if you're not sure whether MN State has/doesn't have any of those things, ask! good luck!!!
and congrats @Yesgirlstoo ! (and any other acceptances I missed!)