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Everything posted by Ydrl

  1. Hey, novel idea. How about we don't interact with the troll anymore? I realize I broke my own rule, but I think it's time to stop before we get investing in trashing them. No replies, no up or downvotes. Simple as that. It would save everyone a lot of heartbreak and upset.
  2. The Tent by Margaret Atwood. Fictional Essays. Amazing. One of my favorite books.
  3. @Artel do you need book recommendations? You seem bored
  4. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit worried about who's teaching me at whatever college(s) I get into. My teacher has assigned a boat load of reading on week one (I'm in week 3). We had to read ~110 pages of the Iliad, plus 13 other pages of translations, plus 5-6 poems inspired by the Iliad because one was optional. That was the first week of that class- this was for one week of one class. Last week's class was only 50 pages total reading, but that first week was Spartan. If you can, and I realize this is hard, maybe see if you can sit in/zoom into a class wherever you get accepted.
  5. @Artel I don't think you've ever reached 100 down votes in your illustrious 2 year career of trolling the literary forum. What's it like being in a purgatory where you keep having to work your way back to the 100 you won't reach?
  6. Congrats to the person who got into U Oregon yesterday!
  7. @floralhell don't reply to the troll
  8. I know it's hard right now to look back at your sample and cringe, but there's always next year if things don't work out. While I did get in to my current college on my second attempt, I'm embarrassed that I accepted without a second thought. While I'm nervous my sample isn't going to be good enough, I can at least say I was brave enough to put it out there. You were brave enough too.
  9. And I saw a FSU acceptance, it was for the PhD, but usually they come out around the same time. Now I'm nervous.
  10. Congrats to the person who got into U Baltimore! Whoever you are!
  11. I know that none of my colleges are probably going to notify accepted people until maybe FSU next week, but now that Ohio state's kicked off the season (and my school is back in session on Tuesday) a moderate amount of anxiety has taken hold.
  12. There's an acceptance for Miami (OH) up. Whoever that poet is, congrats!
  13. Profile, settings, account settings, signature.
  14. https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/
  15. Sheesh, the rejections for ohio state on the results page are full of salt. I wonder if that's how this year is gonna go.
  16. Last year I panic applied too and all the schools I did that with were the ones I got into. Also we applied to so many of the same schools, poets unite.
  17. I'm curious, what are everyone's thoughts on the AWP 22 situation? Should it be online only? Remain a hybrid? If it is a hybrid is anyone here going to go?
  18. I hope so. I think we could all use some good news right now.
  19. FSU sent me an email saying there was an update to my application. The update was that I'm under the MFA department review instead of the initial department review. For a second, I hoped.
  20. Today was a disaster, let's just...agree to not talk about this anymore. @Yellow62 @koechophe
  21. Allow me to disprove your skills of prediction: I wholeheartedly disagree with this. There are good reasons to report someone else for ANY rule-breaking they might do. Assuming they are being petty or vindictive is needlessly judgmental. I honestly hate the fact that "don't be a tattle-tale" actually has a place outside of kindergarten. It's childish and stupid. When you sign up to go to school, you agree to a set of rules. Sometimes, those rules are VERY explicit that you're required to report things like that. This is proof OP believes taking drugs in general renders you fair game to report to the authorities. Hon, I'm sorry but I can't say I see what you are. The thing OP has an issue with is rule breaking and law breaking when we all are supposed to be following the law/rules. We have laws to protect ourselves and everybody else. If we had no laws, there would be anarchy. When we exist in a space that has separate rules, we conform to them as a requirement to enter the space. That's what OP is talking about.
  22. Oh dear, "Would I report things like that if I saw them?" "Like that" was, if my memory is correct, referring to what I described as the problem, not that OP hates drug use and wants users in jail...
  23. I'm not here to argue, but here's what I think. That's not what we were talking about initially, nor do I believe this was the intention of where this convo was going. I understand that's how it came off, but don't get it twisted. I won't speak for @koechopheon their feelings about their post, but this was not an event free of issue. First, the main point of my post was to describe how I was abandoned at a party and had to go home with a total stranger. Idk how we got where we are, but lets discuss that for a sec. I was taken home by a stranger who could have easily abducted me, wiht my other option being that I was going to stay with strangers for the night. There were no Uber or Lyft drivers, and I couldn't afford a taxi. I also had work the next morning. End first part. Second, and I realize this is minute, students pay a shit ton of money to come to school, some go into debt forever and to have their teacher actively cancel for a stupid reason doesn't make me have faith that they're taking their teaching seriously. Again, I don't care that they are doing drugs. That's not my business, the after effects and repercussions of what they did to me and others are my business... Idk if you're genuinely this upset that you'd tell me, a BROWN PERSON to drop my dreams as a writer and get a job as a police officer. Screw off with attacking us and tell us how you actually feel and why.
  24. God it's only 5 where I am and I'm ready to crash. I've been going to a daytime writer's retreat and it's exhausting writing/planning/reading from 9-5. Idk how people don't sign out early and work those 8 hours straight with only a 1 hour lunch break at 11...
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