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Everything posted by heseemstome

  1. As far as I know History only does Zoom interviews (no in-person interview after that) so I wouldn't worry!
  2. In my experience, departments typically make shortlists and then send out all the requests for interviews. It's not impossible that it is done on a more rolling basis for some schools though.
  3. I can confirm Yale Classics has sent out all interview requests (interviews are being conducted in-person this year). Not sure though if you applied through a different department (eg History or Philosophy) or had your application moved to go through a different department (you likely would have been notified by now if this was the case, but I'm not positive).
  4. As far as I know, most departments do not typically do multiple rounds of interviews unless they are doing a combination of online, then in-person interviews. As mentioned, there are a number of schools that do admit without interviews (for example, UMich and UWashington did this the year I applied). In my experience, Ivys, UChicago, and UCalifornia schools all typically conduct interviews either in-person or online. Departments also usually interview upwards of a dozen people for (depending on the program size) ~4 spots. In past years, interview requests could go on through mid February, so I wouldn't despair just yet.
  5. Yale Classics (and combined programs where you've applied through the Classics dept.) hasn't had interviews yet and, as far as I know, has not reached out to anyone about interviews yet. Best of luck to everyone applying this year! Don't stress if you haven't heard anything from schools yet--some places are running behind this year or have changed their process for interviewing/admissions (in person vs. on Zoom interviews, for example). You got this!!
  6. Sounds cliche, but be yourself! Don't be afraid to let your personality come through and come prepared with questions about the department/program. If you've secured an interview, that means your academic qualifications/research interests/stats have passed the threshold and it's more about if you are a good fit for the program or if there are any iffy points in your application, it'll be about clearing those up too. The interview is just as much about you interviewing them as it is them to you. (For example, I had an interview for a school I ended up getting into where I knew immediately after the interview that the school was NOT for me).
  7. Hello everyone! I'm currently in my 2nd year of a PhD program in Classics. Chatting to people on gradcafe was a big help to me when I was applying and especially interviewing, so I want to make myself available to you all if anyone has any questions or worries as interview time approaches. I'm happy to help in any way I can!
  8. Yale is currently doing interviews, last year the results came back a few weeks after the interviews. (Apologies if someone has already updated on this!)
  9. Is anybody else facing cancellations for admitted students visits due to COVID-19? Any ideas on how to get the most out of these virtual "visits" or how to decide without the visit? As the programs I'm considering are fairly comparable in a number of ways (funding, location, presence of faculty working on things I'm interested in, etc), I was counting on the visits to help decide which place felt right for me.
  10. I had an interview with Princeton on 2/12. They didn't say anything about timing but I'm assuming it will be a few weeks.
  11. They emailed me for a skype interview on Feb 3
  12. I had my Harvard interview yesterday and they told me that it would take a while to hear back due to the "nature of the graduate school"-- they said I would hear back in early March. So if you're waiting on Harvard, looks like it will be a few weeks.
  13. Thank you! I can't believe it! Yes, I applied for PhD.
  14. I have an interview with Princeton Feb 12, so I'm assuming decisions will come out sometime after that date. I have my Yale visit in a week and I'm starting to get nervous and excited! Ah!
  15. I'm not really sure but its definitely possible! Plus it would make sense because different professors will probably have different schedules to workout interview times. My impression is that they probably contact people around similar days but not necessarily all in one day.
  16. I applied to Lit and Philology
  17. Just received an offer for a skype interview at Princeton! Unfortunately the date they chose is during my Yale visit so I'm going to tell Princeton and hopefully work around that, but wow! Sending luck to everyone! You got this!
  18. I haven't heard anything from Chicago yet, anyone else?
  19. I received an email from UMich (was notified of my acceptance last Monday) to organize the logistics of travel for the Prospective Students Weekend in February. In the email it was giving instructions for all programs (Bridge MA, PhD Classics, and the interdepartmental tracks for History and Archaeology). Not sure what this means if you haven't heard anything from them yet ? Good luck to everyone!
  20. Thank you so much ! I didn't have an interview at UMich, the acceptance email from the DGS just appeared.
  21. Haven't heard anything from Chicago, Princeton, or Harvard yet. I'm also still waiting on University of Washington and Brown if anyone else applied there as well.
  22. Hello everyone! I got an invitation to visit/interview at Yale and an acceptance to UMich today! If you applied to those places, I hope you all hear back soon!
  23. Hi everyone! I've applied to 7 PhD programs and will be graduating with a BA this May. I'm interested in Greek literature, more specifically in archaic poetry and Homer, but also in the intersection of text and material culture. Does anyone know what schools offer interviews and what we should expect in an interview? I have such anxiety about those kind of interactions, even though they always seem to go fine in the end, my brain freaks out at the thought of it. The Fall 2019 thread seemed to say that interview offers come in mid and late January (so, starting next week ah!) and that not all applicants who eventually received acceptances were interviewed. Does anyone know more about this either anecdotally or from their current departments? Also, best of luck to everyone! (or as my advisor says, ΕΡΡΩΣΟ!)
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