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Everything posted by SocialKonstruct

  1. I am probably not the right person to ask but I read a lot and it tends to be a lot of dense critical theory. Things like bell hooks all the way to Deleuze and theoretical texts in art criticism. For fun I have been reading Robert Coover's The Public Burning if that tells you anything Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Space. Beacon, 1994. Barthes, Roland. Image-Music-Text. Hill And Wang, 1977. ---- Mythologies. Noonday Press, 1973. Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations: Essays and Reflections. Schocken, 1969. Beshty, Walead. 33 Texts: 93,614 Words: 581,035 Characters: Selected Writings (2003-2015). JRP|Ringier, 2015. Davis, Ben. 9.5 Theses on Art and Class. Haymarket Books. 2013. Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Minnesota University Press, 1987. Dewey, John. Art as Experience. TarcherPerigee, 2005. Derrida, Jaques. Of Gramatology. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976 Debord, Guy. Society of the Spectacle. 1967 Foucault, Michel. The Order of Things. Vintage, 1970. Harrison, Charles; Paul Wood, eds., Art in Theory 1900-1999, Blackwell Publishers Lister, Martin et al. New Media: A Critical Introduction (2nd Edition). Routledge, 2009. McLuhan, Marshal. The Medium is the Message. Random House, 1967. Seltz, Peter; Kristine Stiles, eds., Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art : A Source Book of Artists’ Writings. U. of California Press. Steyerl, Hito. The Wretched of the Screen. E-flux, 2013. Wallis, Brian, ed. Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Artists' Writings, MIT Press, 1987. ---- ed. Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation. New Museum, 1984. Zizek, Slavoj. The Plague of Fantasies, Verso Books, 1997. Maybe you are looking for https://static1.squarespace.com/static/573e2957ab48dee8fdd6ba82/t/5c9be01aeef1a19bd7bcc41a/1553719322652/RISD+Photo+Grad+Reading+List.pdf ?
  2. Nope. Same boat and they said a few weeks out. In the same category.
  3. Looking at that program now. They only seem to accept one person/year per field.
  4. Well to be honest I would not dismiss charcoal or graphite. Robert Longo is a superb example of such a conceptually driven craft. Without seeing your work I can't hazard a guess at this point.
  5. Also Michael Rakowitz who is one of my favorite conceptual artists ever is over there in NW. That excites me a lot and probably fits in better with my art practice which is pretty cutting edge.
  6. Hope that you can get into NW honestly :). Because of you I am getting interested in that place
  7. Nope and I'm still waiting for mine... did you interview with them?
  8. Okay updated list as of today: MFA PROGRAM Fall 2023 CONCENTRATION STATUS Yale University Sculpture Rejected Yale University Painting and Printmaking Rejected UCLA New Genres Rejected Columbia University Printmaking Rejected? (Assumed) School of the Art Institute of Chicago Painting/Drawing Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Photography Accepted School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sculpture Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art + Technology (Integrated Media) Interviewed Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Photography and Media (Integrated Media) Rejected ArtCenter College of Design Art Interviewed I already started to craft my list of schools to apply for in Fall 2024 just in case
  9. Yep got my UCLA rejection today too. ArtCenter and Calarts are left now.
  10. Interviewed at ArtCenter and Calarts; radio silence from UCLA. Feeling rather uneasy atm and next week moving into a new house so trying to get life stuff together.
  11. Still awaiting UCLA, Calarts, and ArtCenter as of today.
  12. I think about art schools but then again I think about successful artists who did not have to do a MFA either like this: https://news.artnet.com/opinion/cumwizard69420-the-americans-2253710
  13. Short note. I am 46 years old atm and perhaps the oldest person/applicant here :o.
  14. Yes similar result and I probably will decline SAIC due to an inability to get funding.
  15. Talked with financial aid office and tried to figure out SAIC but still could not get enough grants without scholarships to attend. Unlikely that I will go. Waiting for UCLA, ArtCenter, and Calarts at this point.
  16. I think deferment is super rare and mostly it happened during COVID. I am also waiting for UCLA so no idea. If it doesn't interview people for openings I would be stunned?
  17. Actually Calarts is still sending out acceptances for a tad bit so good idea to wait longer (just contacted them today).
  18. Today I finally got back to the studio and started to work on painting. Stressing out about the results has been unhealthy for me so I am going to relax and listen to others and I can chill while doing what I do best :)... making more art.
  19. Okay looks like I had submitted it early in December but ended up correcting it. Still why do they claim that they haven't received it?
  20. Epic fail on my end and I forgot to submit my FAFSA until today! Facepalm on me.
  21. Cool beans! Btw, are you familiar with how funding for ArtCenters in the previous years tended to go?
  22. No clue about ArtCenter but hopefully this week. Funding will be interested and yes I heard about the full funding which would be super nice! I also love the facilities and faculty and classes there too.
  23. I don't know and honestly I am going to need a 100 percent fully funded need based scholarship to consider SAIC at this point. Still have ArtCenter, Calarts, and UCLA left to hear about.
  24. Got word I have no merit scholarship from SAIC so no clue how I can afford that.
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