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Sissi Chen

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Everything posted by Sissi Chen

  1. I guess we just have to be more patient...Thanks!
  2. Hi, do you have any news for finaid or NYU? just wondered...
  3. The EdD program mostly likely will be shorter. Hope we can hear more from them soon.
  4. Thank you! Congratulations! Will you attend the info session 3/27?
  5. Hi all, I received an email from TC: Congratulations on your offer of admission to Teachers College, Columbia University! I'm excited to hear that you have been selected to join our community of scholars. My name is Alyssa Timko, and I am the financial aid liaison for the Mathematics, Science, and Technology department. I wonder does that mean anything about scholarship or funding? Or maybe that is just a standard email to admitted students?
  6. EdD and PhD are totally different track, I am still hesitating. I will wait for some other places and see, I didn’t apply to too many.
  7. Best of luck! Hope you can hear the good news soon!
  8. Did you see your financial award letter already? I just checked and couldn't find that tab. I guess so far I have nothing... What else did you reply? Will you consider TC?
  9. Congratulations!!!! Did you hear anything back from NYU?
  10. Thank you! I received the email at 5:18 pm.
  11. I just got admitted to the math education Ed.D program. They did not interview me. I guess Ed.D program won't interview candidate? No words for financial aid though.
  12. Maybe no news is good news. Hope you could hear something good soon! I really like the program and professors in NYU. Such a pity. I applied Columbia and Rutgers. I like the program in Rutgers more (like Columbia will accept me LOL)
  13. I just received an email from the NYU Professor said they are not going to recommend me for admission. It is nice for them to email me and inform me before the admission office. They said they will only take one doc student this year. Wish that one is you! Best of luck!
  14. Same program here! Haven't heard anything yet. Good luck!
  15. Hi nice to meet you! The professors were really nice. I am not sure if I answered their questions well enough. I was nervous for sure. The interview was about 45 minutes. How was yours?
  16. Hi, I applied Math Education PhD.
  17. I just received an email from the NYU professor asking for a zoom interview. Excited but nervous! Wish everyone good luck!
  18. Anyone heard anything from NYU or Rutgers? I applied for the Math Ed PhD. Wish everyone best of luck! Getting more and more anxious every day.
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