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    New England
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    Gender Theory, Trauma Studies, Postcolonial Literature and Theory, Popular Culture
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall

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  1. I know it's not exactly the same thing, but throughout this whole mad situation, I just keep thinking of every story I've ever read about characters who were suited to / wanted to be academics, but their involvement in a war effort prevented them from realizing this on their ideal timeline. It's crazy. The prevalence of technology and science in our time gives the false perception that we're fully in control, but this is a reality check. My heart goes out to everyone, whether involved in Higher Ed or not. It's going to be a rocky road forward.
  2. Update: They take five per cohort. (https://www.bu.edu/english/graduate/phd-in-english-and-american-literature/phd-program-information/). Not great, but actually not terribly different than a lot of other comparable universities in the area. Thinking of Boston College or Brandeis when I claim this. Someone earlier in this thread also commented that many universities, BU included, recently did away with the GRE Subject requirement. This probably did have an effect on the number of applicants, but we may never know how drastically.
  3. Also being slowly driven insane. My boss went to campus to participate in an event this afternoon. Also, also, though, I think these numbers have a lot to do with GC user numbers rather than a complete, accurate representation of admitted students. Last year it looks like four got in and a few more were wait listed. Before that, you’re right, only one or two.
  4. I didn’t even apply there and I’m mad. This is why I’m a big proponent of temporary hires during busy or chaotic times of the year. That’s beyond an oversight.
  5. I always wonder about this. I had a trusted advisor tell me once that they preferred candidates with MAs because they already have graduate experience / a portfolio of sample work to demonstrate ability. But who knows. As @gooniesneversaydie said, too, these comments were almost a decade ago already.
  6. I was just thinking the same thing. I recall seeing that there are even multiple people (myself included) who would be saved from getting shut out of this round completely if they got in. Like many others, I don't even want to hope at this point, but the pleasant thought still lingers. On the other hand, I'm completely amused by the picture in my head of a horde of us, black circles around our eyes, peering expectantly into the windows of the building that the English department is housed in at BU
  7. Brown rejection party!! ???
  8. I really don't know whether to assume that Brandeis is done issuing acceptances or not. I knew their cohort would be small, but three acceptances and a rejection on the board are baffling. ?
  9. Welp, don't mind me, I'll just be sitting here in the corner listening to those crickets chirp...
  10. I have not this round. 0a/0w/2r/4p Two years ago, during my first round, I did get in to one of the few schools I applied to, but they didn't offer me any funding (I could go on a diatribe about how irresponsible that is, but I'll spare everyone). It's so stressful. I will say, though, if you don't get the desired results this round and you truly believe that the grad school path is the one you want to tread, reapply. Take the time between the rounds of applications to save money and strategically look for ways to revamp your application next time. I'm also stuck at similar type of job at a small college in New England and I have to say that, while it doesn't offer a fulfilling future, it offers time to redraft applications. Either way, hang in there!
  11. Thank you for providing us with a life raft to cling to. ? Much needed while sitting here twirling my thumbs and obsessive compulsively checking portals/this forum/email between tasks at work.
  12. Literally just made an account to ask everyone what on earth was going on down in Providence, but I guess there's my answer...
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