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  • Location
    DC Area
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. @DrPH2025 I'd say to give it another go next year! And perhaps reach out to admissions with questions about how you might strengthen your application. For what it's worth, my GRE quant scores were also not astronomically high, similar to yours. I'd say that to make up for that, I really focused on making my personal statement as strong as possible by spending lots of time networking with people in the field both at Hopkins and within my current institution. Best of luck to you!
  2. Hello all! I've also been admitted to the JHU DrPH Implementation Science program! Can't wait to meet you all at orientation! Congrats! Good Luck!
  3. Had a phone interview with GW Global Health today. It sounds like the GH track isn't necessarily going to interview all candidates in person or via phone; at least that's the impression my interviewer gave today. Just a heads up that things are moving along and that decisions should be shared in the next few weeks. Thanks! @LauraBsms
  4. Thank you LauraBsms for the info! Good to at least have some time frame to work with here.
  5. Hello all! After following this thread for about a month, I decided it was high time to join. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Anyone hear from GW DrPH Global Health for interviews? Or from JHU DrPH Implementation Science? (I know that the JHU DrPH program doesn't always interview, just curious). We're in the final weeks here; waiting with bated breath!
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