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Potato Cactus

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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall

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  1. Hey Peeps, Is there an etiquette on contacting departments you are waitlisted at to inquire about chances of admission? Do you only do this on April 15th? Do you do this at all? Should you do this if you have already contacted them in early April to let them know you'd like to keep close contact? Thank you all for your guidance! (\_/) ( *_*) />❤️
  2. UCSB has been sending out information to soliciting applicants this past week. Looks like mostly waitlists and perhaps a rejection; no explicit information on waitlist movement or further acceptances.
  3. Also, for anyone this might help, please don't turn to drinking, drugs or other unhealthy habits during this time. Once you're hooked those crutches will be worse than these rejections.
  4. I still have a passion for cooking even though I'm not a professional chef and sometimes screw up making toast. Same thing for sports or any other passion. Unless I'm Gordon Ramsey or Tony Hawk or, *dun dun dun* - Saul Kripke, someone is going to be better and more successful than me at my passions. But that shouldn't stop me from pursuing my passions. Burn that toast and pick it up; look at it strait in the whole wheat and say, "you suck but you're still mine and I don't need a Michelin star to make more toast."
  5. Accepted to UC Santa Cruz but no mention of funding.
  6. Also assuming rejection from Wisc. Their cheese is fantastic.
  7. Hi lurkingfaculty, I've always appreciated your insight on this forum; I am sure I speak for everyone when I say please continue lurking here and commenting. *small vent coming, asking for preemptive excusal and understanding; I know you probably have the same feelings as me.* I worked my tushy off to get a 3.86 in my MA. It really sucks to know that the best that I can do is not impressive. This is especially so when a GPA in a PhD generally does not matter; all that matters is if you meet the minimum and get your degree. (If I am more naive here than what I have learned about for PhDs, please excuse my inadequate tushy.)
  8. OP has my condolences. Hopefully s/he/they take comfort in the unwavering objectivity of my jalapeños.
  9. Whenever I touch a jalapeño there's only a 2% chance I won't end up in a shower trying to freeze hell above my knees. It's a crapshoot; but by golly I'll take a confidence boost if I'm given one.
  10. Rejected from WUSTL. Email sent today - rolling rejections give roly-poly's a bad name.
  11. I waived not because of social norms, but because I'd rather not read "____ is okay, which makes him a good fit for your program."
  12. Does anyone know if WUSTL has rolling rejections? (Aside from those that will get rejected off a waitlist by April 15th.)
  13. Awesome! Win-win! You get into a great program, and we all get great vidja game AI things. Bravo!
  14. $5 and a cheese burger; take it or leave it
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