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Everything posted by epi2be

  1. Thank you!
  2. Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone has information about the Epi PhD stipend at UNC Chapel Hill? The website says the following: TA: Stipend = $7850 (in most cases) RA: Stipend = NIH predoctoral level (in most cases), prorated if <12 month appointment If anyone has some information about what the NIH predoctoral level is (I believe F31 predoctoral stipends are around $25,000/year) that would be so helpful! I am curious if y'all know any current/former students who have information about how many students usually find funding and what that looks like? Thank you so much!
  3. I was contacted by a POI and we had a brief phone call, but I wouldn't call it an interview! It was really informal. I got the sense that not everyone has to interview to be accepted (but I am not totally sure how they do admissions).
  4. Hi! I totally get how you feel the waiting right now is literally the worst. I was accepted to UCLA Epi maybe a weekish ago, but it sounded like they do rolling admissions so I wouldn't lose hope! From the conversations I had with them, it really sounded like they were doing admissions in batches. Good luck!! Hopefully the waiting will be over soon!
  5. Hi! Thanks for this information It is so helpful! When did you hear back about getting off of the waitlist?
  6. Hi! Is this a typo in the Columbia website? Do you know what it means haha
  7. Congratulations!!
  8. Wow thank you for this information! And congratulations on the acceptance! Where did you end up going?
  9. Thank you!! Was this for an interview?
  10. I haven't heard anything yet Hopefully we will hear soon!
  11. I interviewed but have not heard anything back yet!
  12. Congratulations! Good luck
  13. Has anybody heard from NYU yet? Thanks!
  14. Thank you so much! I am really excited. Wishing you the best of luck!!
  15. I hope everyone is hanging in there, this waiting period has been brutal! Hopefully we will all hear back soon! I was accepted to UW PhD Epidemiology yesterday and am really excited! If anyone else was accepted, feel free to DM me so we can connect! Also, I am trying to navigate their funding mechanism so if anyone has any information on that, I would greatly appreciate it! Wishing everyone the best of luck during this process, it seems this is one of the most competitive years so the stress level has been very high on my end for sure
  16. Hi! By no means am I qualified to give advice on this as this is my first time applying as well, but I had an interview last week and am happy to share that experience It was relatively conversational, and the program (an Epi program) wanted me to emphasize why specifically that program over all the others is the perfect fit for me (this was asked a few times), how my previous research experiences have prepared me for a PhD, how the PhD will help me in my future goals (they wanted a really concrete answer to this), and also what quantitative training I have. Hope this helps! Trying not to freak out too much over here as we wait to hear more responses
  17. Hi! I am not sure by any means, but I had an interview for the PHS program, and I got the feeling that my interview was for a specific reason. I was also super thrown off when I got the interview because the website said interviews weren't a part of the process. I don't know how their admissions works but I wouldn't overthink it at all because I bet interviews aren't required for admission. Best of luck!!
  18. Thank you so much!
  19. Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows how many people the Harvard PHS PhD program interviews in relation to how many people they accept? Thank you! I hope everyone is managing to somehow stay calm through this anxiety inducing time!
  20. Good luck to everyone who has received interview invitations! I hope we all hear back soon!
  21. I am wondering the same thing!
  22. Hi everyone! Congratulations to everyone for making it through submitting our apps! I was recently offered an interview with Harvard for the Population Health Sciences PhD. Does anyone have any advice for the interview? This will be my first PhD interview. Thank you!
  23. Hi everyone! Good luck to all that applied. Is there a forum for responses for Fall 2021 matriculation? Thank you!
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