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Everything posted by sunflowergirl97

  1. i applied at 21 during my senior year of graduate school and got accepted this year at 23! i got my MA in counseling during my time in between.
  2. I think it depends on the program more than anything. In my personal experience I applied to Counseling and Clinical programs straight out of undergrad. I had a 3.6 GPA and mediocre GRE scores. I did have a good bit of research experience. The feedback that I got was that I didn't have enough clinical experience so I got either outrightly rejected or offered admission to their MA program. I opted to join a Counseling MA program. My program isn't CACREP so I'm not required to do a thesis but I work part time in a lab on campus that relates to my interests. For this application cycle I applied to 3 Clinical and 3 Counseling. I was invited to interview at all of the Counseling programs and accepted to 2. I was rejected from the Clinical programs. I do think that I was less competitive for the Clinical programs due to me not doing a thesis or having much research these past two years outside of the part time work I've been doing. But I'll be joining a doc program this Fall and the other people in my lab also have Counseling MA's From what you shared I think a Counseling MA program would be helpful for a Counseling PhD. I also think since its CACREP that could help with applying to Clinical PhDs (if you're interested in that) since you'll have a thesis. I would focus on taking classes that heavily relate to the topic you want to research, making strong connections with your faculty members, and doing your practicum/internship placement at a place that will allow you to get some clinical experience with the population you're interested in (if possible). I would also suggest looking into programs that are waiving the GRE if thats something you're worried about as well. I know many programs are continuing to still waive that requirement. If your program has a PhD program connected to it I would speak to some of the current doc students as well since some of them may be coming from MA programs as well. I would also suggest letting your advisor know that a plan of yours is to apply for PhD programs so that they can help you make sure you're on the right track to be competitive. I hope this helps!
  3. well this is a lil embarrassing lol thank you for telling me
  4. Virginia Commonwealth University for Counseling Psych! Please PM if you're in my cohort I'd love to connect
  5. Hi! This was my second cycle so I'll share my stats and outcome from each. Cycle 1: Applied as undergrad GRE: 142 quant; 157 verbal; can't remember my writing score but i think it was a 4. GPA: 3.44/4 Research: I was apart of an NIH Grant funded program so I did lots of summer research programs, my own research projects with a faculty member on campus, and I presented at a handful of conferences and symposiums each year. ECs: member of Psi Chi, interned at some mental health sites, peer mentor on campus, worked in wellness center on campus, volunteered with NAMI and other community sites. I applied to 11 Counseling programs and was rejected from all but one. Most of the schools that rejected me offered me a spot in their MA program. I ended up joining a Counseling MA program for more exp. Cycle 2: Applying 2nd year in my MA program Didn't retake the GRE because of COVID. Most of my schools did not ask for the scores either. GPA: 4.0/4 Research: Part time research assistant but no new presentations and no pubs. ECs: Student leadership, some volunteer hours (limited with COVID), community outreach at my internship site. I applied to three clinical psychology programs and three counseling programs. Outright rejections from all clinical programs. Three interview invites and then two acceptances both with funding. I will start my program in the fall. I hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk more
  6. School: Howard University Type: Counseling PhD Track: General Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance Type of Notification: DCT Email Date Notified: 2/25 DM for POI: Yes
  7. Hi I heard back! I interviewed on 2/12 and was told I was on the waitlist 2/18 then PI updated me yesterday I was accepted. I hope this helps! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or anything
  8. Just found out today that I've been accepted off of the waitlist!! ❤️
  9. School: Virginia Commonwealth University Type: Counseling PhD Track: General Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Waitlist (said if 1st choice declines or more funding is available I'll be accepted) Type of Notification: Email from POI Date Notified: 2/18 DM for POI: Yes
  10. School: Howard University Type: Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Date of invite: 1/16/2021 Type of invite: Email from DCT: let me know that I was chosen to apply for a fellowship and to interview. Said interview information to come next week. Interview date(s): Mid-Feb. I'll update when I have the solid date! DM for POI: Of course
  11. Has anyone heard anything from Depaul Clinical? I know the CUCDP page said interview deadline is today
  12. Thank you so much! Its really frustrating but I'm just taking it as a sign that it wasn't where I was meant to be. And I agree. At the end of the day they really do care about themselves first. Also, like I guess it makes sense because if I had known he was thinking of leaving I wouldn't have applied. It just sucks paying application fees and all of that just for it to end this way.
  13. School: Virginia Commonwealth University Type: Counseling PhD Date of invite: January 14th Type of invite: Call from POI, official invite to be sent tomorrow Interview dates: Choice between Feb 5th or 12th DM for POI: Yes
  14. I haven't heard but on the CUDCP timeline it says their interview invite deadline is tomorrow.
  15. Shared this in the slack but wanted to post here just in case anyone else has had a similar experience. Was offered an interview (my first and only as of now), was pretty excited about it but yesterday got an email from my POI that they will no longer be accepting a student due to them accepting a position at another university. Huge bummer but more aggravating because I had a prelim with them back in Nov and it was never even mentioned as a possibility. I know things change but its just disheartening at this point especially when I'm seeing my other schools all over the results page.
  16. Literally same same same! My anxiety is through the roof
  17. School: SUNY Albany Type: Counseling PhD Date of invite: 12/19/2020 Type of invite: Email from interim DCT Interview date(s): 01/29/2021 DM for POI: Yes
  18. I would second this! A lot of counseling MA programs don't have deadlines until Feb/March and some are even later than that. If you're interested in a diversity/SJ research focus those could be really great programs to look into! Some may also have a PhD program connected so you could go there for your MA, build connections and possibly apply for PhD if its good enough fit.
  19. Yes of course!! I see you applied for the Counseling program so let me know if you have any questions about faculty
  20. Yeah of course! I figured it may help ease some anxiety for some. My PIs initials are A.D. I don't know if that PI is looking but I know that in our lab they are starting initial reviews next week and to start reaching out in the new year. I expect that it would likely be similar for your PI too but I can't say for sure. I hope that helps I'm sorry I don't have more info.
  21. I don't know who all has applied to the University of Denver but I'm a current MA student in the Counseling program and they're gonna start looking at applications end of this week/early next week! Just thought I'd share to hopefully ease some anxiety for anyone waiting. Also if you have any questions about the program feel free to PM me. Although I'm in the MA program we take the same professors and a lot of courses with the PhD students. I'm also a part time RA in the clinical psychology dept so I can potentially answer share some info on that although its limited a lot to the lab I'm in. Good luck everyone!
  22. First time commenting here but I've gotta say I'm super super nervous (I guess who isn't though). My first deadline was November 1st and I still haven't heard anything yet (a current student told me thats normal but I can't help but take it personally haha) and the rest of my deadlines were Dec 1st. I applied to 6 schools because I wanted to be more intentional this time around but now I'm worried I undershot it. This is my second time applying but fingers crossed it goes well. Last time I was coming straight out of undergrad and had little to no clinical experience which is what I was told weakened my application now I'm finishing my MA so I'm hoping that'll help. I feel like I'm just rambling now haha but its nice to get this stuff out with people who are in similar positions. Good luck to everyone! We got this!
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