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Everything posted by Cancerbiologisttobe_

  1. It definitely can be toxic and raise anxiety levels more than they already are- I wish I didnt know about it tbh lol
  2. Good luck to you too!! We share being applicants to BMS at UCSF. Hopefully we both hear back with good news!
  3. I agree!! It would be nice to have a more active thread! We can all use the reassurance and support!
  4. Has anyone received an invite for BMS at UCSF? I emailed the coordinator last week and he had said that theyd sent invites to selected applicants by the end of today. Im starting to freak out!
  5. Hey all!! I know this forum is for applicants who applied for fall of 2019, i applied this cycle for fall of 2021 and I really would love to increase chances of acceptance! For anyone who interviewed and/or got accepted, do you have any tips?? City of hope is my goal school and any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
  6. Thank you!!! Hopefully we both will hear good news soon from UCSF!
  7. Hey all anybody on here applying for cancer biology or biomedical sciences at any of these schools (I applied to these and am starting to get nervous since Im not hearing anything back): University of Minnesota (MICaB), UCSF (BMS), UCSD (BMS), University of Washington (genome sciences), USF-Moffitt (cancer biology), City of Hope (biological sciences), University of Cincinnati (cancer and cell biology), and University of Illinois-Chicago (GEMS). Please let me known and Id also love to connect to anyone who applied to these programs :)!!
  8. Have any of you also applied to the cancer and cell biology phd program at University of Cincinnati???
  9. Anyone applying to biomedical phd programs for the fall of 2021 heard back for interviews yet? At what schools? Im starting to get nervous about not hearing back ?
  10. Omg i applied to MiCAB at U of Minn and havent heard back now im nervous! I emailed the coordinator and she responded saying that I should be hearing back within the next few week ? but congrats on hearing back and good luck!!!
  11. I applied to U of Washington, U of Cincinnati, UCSD, UCSF, *City of Hope, University of Minnesota, U of South Florida, U of Illinois-Chicago, * U of Nebraska, and *U of Nevada .... (the ones w stars are the ones im still working on)
  12. Yall are making me nervous ? im applying for biomedical sciences phd programs (for cancer research) and I applied to 7 schools, not finished sending out apps and knowing people are already hearing back and I havent heard back is anxiety inducing ? good luck to all of yall tho!
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