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Everything posted by Decaf22

  1. Has anybody who was waitlist at UofT for 2-year MSW program (in March) heard back yet? ..if not, has anyone of you contacted Angela (Administrative Coordinator Admissions and Programs) for this program?
  2. Hi everyone, I was waitlisted at Mac's Psychotherapy Program in Feb for an interview possibly. And I contacted the program advisor in March to inquire when I can hear from them for an interview..and they had said around end of March possibly...so I wanted to inquire if anyone has heard from Mac for 2nd round of interview's I guess. ...
  3. Hi everyone, So I am waitlisted for UFT's 2-year MSW Program, and Windsor's 2-year MSW Program. And so I wanted to know if anyone has heard back from one of these programs... I'm honestly not sure if i will be removed from the waitlist itself so curious to know if someone was accepted from the waitlist.
  4. You can find his email on the program website. And basically what I wrote was the following: I have applied for the 2020-21 MEd counselling and psychotherapy program. And so today I spoke with someone from the OISE register regarding the application and whether they had any updates as I have not received any response since I've applied (the application says it's "under review"). And the individual explained how all the offers and waitlists have gone out already .. Is this true? Because other colleagues of mine who've applied were told that there is a delay in uploading the admission results onto the SGS portal due to working from home..If you could update me on this situation, I'd really appreciate it. His response: Hello (name).. Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, the application responses are currently being processed by our registrar’s office staff. With 705 applications to the Counselling program, it can be lengthly process when working from home. I’ve inquired about the status of your application and can report, unofficially, that your application to the MEd Counselling program will be recommended for refusal. Unfortunately, with 35 spots available this year, there is not enough spaces to accommodate all strong applicants. You should receive the official application response via email shortly. I haven't received an official rejection as of yet.
  5. THANK YOU! .. And I emailed Todd just a few hours ago... he responded pretty fast
  6. Just wanted to provide updates for you all. I contact Todd from OISE for the MEd program and he informed me that "unofficially" I will not be accepted into the program this year due to the high number of applications etc (same response others have posted on this forum).. .. moreover this was my last response I was waiting on and so I want to thank all of you for the continued support and encouragement. This year was difficult and all of the comments that I read where very helpful throughout the year .. so thank you! if anyone is curious below are the other programs I applied and the responses I got.. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF YOU STILL WAITING! And don't let a rejection define who you are OISE MEd Counselling & psychotherapy --> rejected unofficially UFT 2-year MSW --> Waitlisted Windsor 2-year MSW --> Waitlisted York's MSW --> Rejected McMaster's Psychotherapy --> rejected Hopefully I hear a positive response from programs i was waitlisted for ^
  7. Thanks for the update! ... so since I haven't received any response for my application -- what am I suppose to assume? .. that I am rejected ?... this whole application thing for OISE has me so upset.. like why can't they send a mass email to all the applicants explaining what is going on and if they've already sent all the offers for admission and waitlist..
  8. Maybe email the program chair instead of the register as to how you have another deadline approaching and how you are displeased with the admission rollout... usually program chair are the best to inform about such things.. and if you applied for OISE MEd program; i think the program chair is Dr.Lana Stermac .. maybe email her and see...
  9. Hey just want to ask.. have all of you heard from UFT's OISE MEd program? Cause I still have not.. it still says "in review" for me?
  10. Just got the email from UFT 2-MSW .. waitlisted.. last name starts with J
  11. ahaha samee just caught up on the messages & my last initial is J..
  12. Mine starts with a J so I highly doubt there is a system ??
  13. I also just got that same email.. Hoping other people getter better news today
  14. Hey thanks for sharing this.. and i know it can be frustrating when you're waiting for one program and you just don't hear back --- regardless good or bad... but based on this; if you've submitted your application before/on Nov 16; you should hear back tmrw (since it is the last day of march)... unless COVID has delayed the whole thing ... uggh this so frustrating .. but good luck to all of us tmrw! Hopefully we hear some good news
  15. For those who applied to the OISE counselling & psychotherapy program; has anyone emailed the program coordinator about their response rate... like I remember when applying they said that if you apply before november 16th (due date); you should hear back in march ... and theres literally only 2 days left of march... so I really don't know what to think... on one end I am like; the fact that I haven't heard anything means "nothings bad" -- but I'm also like "well the fact that its so late is also not a good sign either"....
  16. Hey not sure about the last name thing cause my last name starts with an J ...
  17. I am also a UFT student and relate to this so so much! ... good to know i am not the only one loosing my mind lol..
  18. I got an email saying I was waitlisted. However my status has not changed as of yet.. even the date is Jan 11th.. and not today's..
  19. samee it's also my first time applying so honestly happy. But also worried since this was the one school I thought be easier to get in compared to UFT, Westerns' etc.. but hoping for the best! Congrats to everyone who got in!
  20. I also got put on the waitlist for windsor's 2-year MSW program..
  21. Hey yeah even I haven't been contacted for an interview so I am getting discouraged too ....
  22. Has anyone heard from McMaster's psychotherapy program? Interviews? Or just anything tbh. I am domestic student so curious how many ppl have gotten interviews, offers etc.
  23. Also has anyone heard from McMaster's psychotherapy program? Interviews? Or just anything tbh. i am domestic student so curious how many ppl have gotten interviews, offers etc.
  24. Has anyone heard from UofT's 2-year MSW Program? I am domestic student so not sure if anyone has heard anything?
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