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Posts posted by broccolini

  1. Hey y'all! Remember me from last year! It's Broccolini! I'm here to tell a tale about why you should never give up.

    Sooo, last year I had interviews with NYU and Northwestern and was then placed on the waitlist for both schools. Eventually, I was released from the waitlist. I was a semifinalist at Hunter and was rejected from both Brooklyn and Brown. I was totally devastated after not getting in anywhere. I had gotten it in my head that my life couldn't start until I got into grad school (which is just some capitalistic bullshit). Plus, how the hell was I going to go through this grueling application process again? How was I going to write another whole ass play? HOW? But I kept pushing through. I see many others have as well. HELL YES. I got a job at a grocery store and wrote a play about that very grocery store and applied again. This year, I switched things up a little. Like some of you, I decided to focus on the schools that had shown some interest in me. I narrowed my list to NYU, Northwestern, and Hunter. I added one new school: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I had visited some friends in the city over the summer and found out about SAIC's MFA in Writing program. I realized I could pursue both playwriting and my other passion, which is comics. I thought why not give it a go!

    After all the rejection and heartbreak my first round, I can now finally see the silver lining. I'm in at SAIC! It's the perfect program for me and I never would have discovered that if I had gotten in last year. And boy oh boy am I glad I decided to throw SAIC into the mix because...CRICKETS FROM EVERY OTHER SCHOOL. I now know more than ever how much of a crap shoot this whole process really is. I felt my interviews went so well last year. Though I was proud of my first application, it was nothing compared to the work I put into this round. My new play is leaps and bounds better than the one I submitted last year. I slayed that personal statement! I was sure I'd get interviews to NYU and Northwestern again. I thought maybe I'd move up in the ranks with Hunter. But NOPE. No interviews. Nothing.

    Why do I tell you all this? To show that there are many avenues to pursue playwriting. I was convinced it was MFA IN PLAYWRITING OR THE HIGHWAY. I wanted in at the tip top school. I wanted to be that NYU bad bitch. I thought it was the only possible way to be a playwright. But then I actually found a program that better suited my interests and will allow me to pursue both of my passions. 

    I feel your discouragement. IT SUCKS SO FUCKING BAD TO FEEL SO REJECTED. But please know, just because you didn't get an interview or didn't get in somewhere doesn't mean you aren't talented as hell. It just might mean you haven't found the place for you yet. Keep searching and keep dreaming. Life has a funny way of working itself out. 

  2. 1 hour ago, natalinal said:


    yes yes i heard that too! And that the current first year class is made up of four people who got off the waitlist... so.

    Oh my gosh....that is very very hopeful 

    how funny would it be if we end up being classmates and we can say we met on grad cafe ?

    maybe 4/20 will bring us some good luck ??

  3. @natalinalnothing! Okay so last year someone got off the waitlist on April 17th so I’ve been obsessively checking my email...I had a feeling it could be this week but I guess there’s no way of knowing. Them saying there’s only a handful of applicants on the waitlist has definitely gotten my hopes up but I’m not sure what to think at this point!! Ahhh

  4. @Mel Rose thank you sooo much for this info!! It’s so helpful knowing this.

    and I totally feel you about how it’s hard to move on just yet...applying to grad school was HARD and it would be so so ideal if we didn’t have to do it again OH BOY. I guess since mid-April is the most common shuffling time, I’ll wait until then to start thinking about my 2022 application....fingers crossed we won’t have to ?

  5. 33 minutes ago, Mel Rose said:

    In the dark about Northwestern, but I corresponded a little with NYU...they said the earliest we would hear anything would be after April 15 because that’s when they evaluate the cohort based on who has committed and begin to re-evaluate waitlist candidates to fill the class with the right fit(s). The list is unranked, so it’s kind of a luck-of-the-draw situation, based on who decides to attend (screenwriters, playwrights, tv writers, etc) and who they think will fit the cohort. From previous conversations, it sounds like they go to the waiting list every year because some film/tv students prefer to attend school in LA, and some playwrights prefer fully funded/stipended programs. 

    I’m super antsy too and I hate it. I’ve made plans to move/relocate this summer regardless of the outcome of grad school, as my current city unfortunately does not have much of an audience or community for new work...it’s time to ramble on.

    Trying to just move on and plan on applying again next year with some new work to a revised & more focused list of programs...but it’s hard when there’s still a glimmer of hope I’m holding on to! 

  6. Anyone have any knowledge on general waitlist info for NYU and northwestern? I know NYU said movement on the waitlist typically happens between mid April-mid May but uuuugh I’m just so antsy...like how many students typically get in off the waitlist for these schools? And typically when? I know things change year to year but I would love some stats so I don’t feel totally in the dark ya know ?

  7. 1 hour ago, seasickmermaid said:

    Really heartbroken to have gotten a rejection from Columbia today. I know this is my first year and I shouldn't expect anything, but David Henry Hwang told me I was fantastic and ended the interview saying "bye for now" and I don't know why he would say that if it was just going to be a rejection. It feels like I was led on. Anyone else had any experiences like this? Why do interviewers give us false hope? 

    hey, I completely empathize with this. I came out of my interviews feeling on top of the world. I literally said to my family, "that went so well, there's no way I won't get in!" and then...well...UGH. It's so easy to feel like shit after not getting the news you were hoping for, or to feel like your interviewers were playing you (trust me, I FEEL THIS). But I think if your interviewer expressed interest in you, it's 10000% genuine. They have absolutely no reason to lie. But yeah, like @jeepersjinkiessaid, there are so many factors that go into this. I felt such a wonderful bond with my NYU interviewer, I like to think she fought for me in the decision room. I bet DHH fought for you as well ❤️ 

    Full disclosure, I went into a deep despair when I didn't get in. I stayed in bed for two straight days and told myself I was a complete loser (hahahaha honestly DON'T DO THIS). It's crazy because, I would never say that to anyone, especially not to you wonderful people who I only know through internet screen names...so why am I beating myself up so bad? We have done something so beautiful and incredible. Sharing writing that we believe in to a group of strangers, leaving ourselves open for rejection and vulnerability, I just think that is so brave of all of us. And I deeply admire this group's efforts and perseverance. I think that the people who make it as artists in this world are the people that never give up. ❤️ (trust me, I still feel sad! And I, myself, am trying to believe in my own  words. It's hard and I be strugglin')

  8. 10 minutes ago, Mel Rose said:

    @natalinal @broccolini same boat here. Glad to not be alone in this weird feeling. Trying to stay hopeful... but it’s hard, not gonna lie. The waiting and uncertainty of this whole year has been the hardest part, and it’s for sure  difficult to have it all prolonged. Hang in there! 

    You got this! ❤️ a weird feeling INDEED, but together, a little less weird ❤️

  9. 3 minutes ago, natalinal said:

    yes, the waiting and not being able to envision the next half year of your life is brutal. in addition to not being able to update loved ones ? but good luck to you too!! now that ive discovered this forum, i will be checking it every day!

    You and I really are on the exact same page, so at least there’s comfort in that. Envisioning my life has been such a huge part of this process, feeling like if I got in somewhere I could finally break free from this living at home monotony (which I’m sure many of us can relate to given the pandemic). I was so hoping for some good news after a total shit year. Glad you found this forum, it’s helped me so much to not be in the dark. It’s been a welcome and needed community :)  

  10. 11 minutes ago, natalinal said:

    omg congrats//100% same. I was very caught off guard by that intense 10 minute interview! I didn't apply to any other playwriting programs because I liked the screenwriting/playwriting combo at NU. Did you hear from anywhere else?

    Omg right?! It was sooo intense. My heart was beating so fast for like days afterwards. I also love the screenwriting/playwriting combo which is what got me so excited about NU & NYU (which I was also just waitlisted from....blehhh...not feeling too hot rn)

    but congrats to you as well...hopefully we’ll be getting good news soon. Although I can’t believe we’ve been thrust into yet another waiting zone....painful ? 

  11. 5 minutes ago, cheesy said:

    the way that i felt so personally attacked when that happened....sheeeeesh!!!!

    hoping for good omens only~

    literally!!! tragic but glad we are on the same page at least...

    I am sending good vibes out into the universe for me and you both... (basically that just means getting drunk off rosé rn...but hey...it works sometimes)

  12. 5 minutes ago, cheesy said:

    i have also interviewed from NYU and haven't heard anything since, anyone know when they notify typically?

    & also on the juilliard train but that feels so far if they won't start contacting until april 15... have debated withdrawing my app but who knows.

    last year it was march 16th so i'm hoping tomorrow...

    this is hoooorrible. and phoebe bridgers didn't even win a grammy yesterday. HELP!

  13. the next couple weeks (if last year's time line holds up) will be filled with decisions from many schools. i wanted to repost a blurb of something Jeremy O. Harris said on this very thread in 2016 about the process of applying to grad school:


    so, no matter what, we can't forget all the hard work we've done and how much it's made us grow as humans and artists. i'm scared and haven't been sleeping much, but i keep coming back to this.


  14. @sandringhambeing shot down a water slide is the perfect way to describe a short interview!!

    I just had my Northwestern interview and it was literally only 10 minutes I feel like I actually blacked out it happened so fast...they asked multi-part questions and there were four professors there oh my gosh what a freakin' whirlwind...BUT I think this may have been my last interview (haven't hear anything from Brown and Hunter so I'm assuming I'm rejected considering everything...honestly at peace with this. And then there's still Brooklyn to hear from but they don't do interviews so...) I FEEL RELIEVED. No matter what happens, my part is over, and I really feel like I did everything I could. Let the waiting commence...

    and cheeeeers to everyone with upcoming interviews! 

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