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Everything posted by speechietobe23

  1. Hi congratulations on your acceptance!! There's a fb group for the Western class here, come join us haha! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1331766310641852/
  2. I received the same call! I also thought it was nice that they reached out and the professor was very kind over the phone (made me tear up lol).
  3. I was in the same spot last year! It was tough to balance making future plans with also holding out hope for the waitlist. The waitlist does move so don't give up! I didn't get off the waitlist last year though (I was in the 2nd quadrant for reference). I reapplied this year though and got an acceptance! If anyone has any questions or needs to vent pm me! This waiting game can be stressful but be proud of yourself this is huge! ?
  4. No problem! So last year the waitlist was divided into 4 quadrants. Those waitlisted in the 1st quadrant were called first and then they went down the list. Not sure how many students were in each quadrant but if I remember correctly from this thread last year, by the summer they made it to the 2nd quadrant of waitlisted applicants.
  5. Congrats! Yes, last year the language in the email was similar but we were still able to email Janet and she provided the "quadrant" of the waitlist you would be in. They don't give the exact place but you are able to get a bit of an idea with the quadrant!
  6. Received an offer from western! It's also present on my orpas account. Good luck to everyone and congrats!!
  7. Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well! Quick question about the Western application! 1. We are able to use the same full year course to fulfil both the Human Anatomy/Physiology and Life/Biomedical/General Sciences requirement? 2. ORPAS has the option to submit 2 courses for the Human Anatomy/Physiology requirement. Is this a glitch? I feel like it was mentioned in the open house but I can't remember! Thanks in advance for any clarification!
  8. Just thought I would add some thoughts on this ? From what I remember, I believe Western SLP has about 50 seats! Also I had a 3.64 sGPA and was in the top of the 2nd quadrant on Western's waitlist. I feel like it can vary from school to school and it's tough to know exactly what to improve on for the next application to ensure admission ?
  9. Hi everyone 1st time poster here! I was advised by Janet that I am in the top of the 2nd quadrant at Western for SLP! I've also been accepted to the CDA programs and I'm planning to go into that program if I don't hear back from Western. Right now I am trying to plan for both scenarios ? Anyone else in the same boat? PM me if you are, would love to hear your thoughts!
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