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Posts posted by icedwithoatmilk


    Hello :)Does anybody have advice on how to try and negotiate up offers? Specifically-- I have only seen advice about how to ask a university to match a higher offer elsewhere, whereas my offers are all around the same (probably average, but of course it'd be better if they were higher). I still want to give it a go to negotiate, though, since I figure I might as well try, even if I expect a no. My questions are 1. Is it still normal to try and negotiate if you're in my situation (no higher offers)? and 2. if so, does anybody have wise words on how to do so/phrase my 'ask'?

  2. Does anybody have advice on how to try and negotiate up offers? Specifically-- I have only seen advice about how to ask a university to match a higher offer elsewhere, whereas my offers are all around the same (probably average, but of course it'd be better if they were higher). I still want to give it a go to negotiate, though, since I figure I might as well try, even if I expect a no. My questions are 1. Is it still normal to try and negotiate if you're in my situation (no higher offers)? and 2. if so, does anybody have wise words on how to do so/phrase my 'ask'?

  3. 6 minutes ago, miniqueerthingy said:

    Yayy...congrats ? 

    Yes, that early date is kinda frustrating. 

    Are you waiting for some other programs? 


    I'm waiting for some other programs pluuus I just don't want to have to rush my decision so much between the programs I have gotten in to!

    4 minutes ago, illcounsel said:

    This happened to me when I was applying for MA programs. Once was for a fellowship that I had to accept by Feb. 15th!!! I was no where near close to hearing from all my programs at that point so I simply declined the fellowship.

    I also was waiting to hear from some waitlists when the April 15th deadline came. I kindly asked my top program for an extension and explained I was waiting to hear from waitlists. They seemed to have no problem with that and gave me an extra two weeks. I am not sure if that would be true everywhere, but I think sending an email asking for an extension would be the best path!

    Ah yeah, I was thinking about just emailing and asking for an extension.. even though I don't have like thaaat good of a reason I just want more time!

  4. On 3/5/2022 at 2:22 AM, miniqueerthingy said:

    I just got accepted into Masters in English and Film studies at University of Alberta with their top funding. So yayyy. I thought all was lost but then this miracle happened. Honestly, I still can't believe it and I still feel that they sent me this email by an accident and they will realise this soon and I would be informed of this and be heartbroken again. ?

    They said that the Official letter would come later, probably before March 25. I have to confirm my enrollment before March 25. 

    My question : I have also been waitlisted at indiana and am awaiting admission decisions for U penn and University of maryland. Should I expect these phd programs to make all their decisions before March 20? I would, to be honest, even like them sending me prompt rejections so I could mentally prepare myself for U of Alberta. ? ?


    I also got in there and am wondering about the weird/early date! Do you know why this is?? Has anybody been accepted by another program that makes you confirm (much) before April 15?

  5. On 2/12/2022 at 10:28 AM, forgottenworks said:

    Mine was pretty informal so it depends on the program, but the questions I was asked were: why this program in particular; the standard "tell me about your research interests" and then a couple of specific follow-up questions; what is a text you've read recently that really stuck out to you; and have you had any offers from other programs. The thing that helped me the most was reviewing my SoP and writing sample, having a few questions for the interviewer prepped ahead of time, and having some notes in front of me re: elevator pitch and program specifics that I'm excited about. I have no idea if I'll be accepted, but the interviewer (DGS) was enthusiastic about my research focus and said she thought the program was a good fit.

    I also found this post from last year's forum really helpful: 


    I wouldn't have expected that in interviews you'd be asked if you were accepted to other programs... does anybody have any theories on why this is asked? And if you have other acceptances, is it good to say so/say where?

  6. 40 minutes ago, zetasp said:

    Hey! I actually work at the UHM Center for Biographical Research. Let me know if you want to get in touch and I can tell you more about the program and faculty! From the work I do, a lot of the bigger programs aren't in the US - many are in Australia, the UK, Canada, and some other European countries. I'd say UHM is good, too, for anyone look at both a theoretical and creative approach - we're one of the few universities that offers a PhD in creative writing.

    Ah thanks!! I just sent in my application :) so I'll definitely reach out if I hear something good back! I've def seen what you're saying about bigger programs not being in the US...

  7. On 11/2/2021 at 2:00 AM, whichazel said:

    hi I'm also thinking of going into life-writing (autobiography in particular) and facing the similar problem - there are plenty of choices in the UK, but in the US I know v little about and have found also very few choices. The other I know is CUNY? 

    Hmm yeah it's interesting you mention the UK because I also feel like it's less common of a subfield in the US than the rest of the Anglophone world. But alas. CUNY is a good one! It's hard because some places will have like one person working on autobio, or a couple people working on it but as part of a bigger period/area specialization. And I feel like that's not that helpful unless they are also really engaging with theoretical issues around life writing, not just using life writing to answer particular questions about a period/area, do you know what I mean?

  8. Is anyone else primarily interested in life writing? I'm surprised how many departments have no one or just one person working on life writing or auto/biography, and I'd really like to keep it a focus for me-- I'm definitely applying to Hawaii but want to make sure I'm not missing any other obvious choices. If you also work on life writing, where are you applying/do you attend? 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Lighthouse Lana said:

    ...anybody know what is going on with Penn State and/or U Rochester? I see that there is only one acceptance for each program, and I know I have to take into consideration all of the people who are not on Grad Cafe, but it's so unnerving to see one acceptance for an entire program, ya know?

    I was supposed to be so productive today. Now I'm ordering Shake Shack and staring unblinkingly at my laptop. Will I shower? Will I leave the couch before midnight? TBD.

    I also saw that with Penn State... it seems like in past years, though, acceptances came over a week or two, so I'm sure there are still some. Doesn't help with the waiting by the computer though ?

  10. Hi! I am just wondering how typical you all think it is to inquire about the status of one's application? I kind of want to for a couple of schools where I've seen both acceptances and rejections posted, and I know that some people do so, but I don't want to be bothersome or seem impatient. But is it normal/no big deal just to ask?

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