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  1. As an update - they did not realize my one set of transcripts contained both degrees as I got them at the same university. Officially accepted for review this morning. I wonder if I’ll hear back tomorrow??
  2. Thanks - sent off an email. Did you have your references send letters same day?!
  3. A thesis is preferred in your masters for a PhD but I don't know how heavily it's weighed!
  4. How did you get a reply so quickly?! I applied ages ago and am still waiting ..wowza
  5. It's easier to get into because it's literally fucked I applied to MUN with a 4.15/4.3, significant work experience, and was still deemed not competitive enough meaning it's actually just REASONABLE to get into LSHTM compared to Canadian programs ahaha Edit: I am sort of kidding but also sort of serious. The MUN program is beyond competitive and it's ridiculous!
  6. Also rejected from MUN - off to apply to LHSTM LOL!
  7. I saw someone on Reddit post before Easter that they had received their acceptance into the program!
  8. right?! It's still just sitting there with Action: Complete and nothing else. That + some people already being accepted means I am probably just waiting for a rejection which makes sense. I had no idea how insane MPH programs were to get into until I joined this forum - absolutely WILD.
  9. The actual amount I am over waiting for MUN is crazy - my ass is applying to LSHTM and hoping they'll accept me. My MUN application hasn't moved since Jan 7th when I submitted it which is INSANE to me.
  10. I am planning to apply but haven’t yet - started the application just wanted the official rejection from MUN before shelling out more application fees aha
  11. *puts waiting hat back on but with less enthusiasm this time*
  12. My status hasn't changed on the MUN website and this person got accepted 3 days ago - my assumption is that means I am tapped out from getting in. Honestly just knowing that feels like a relief and less of a worry!
  13. A total lack of communication or status update from MUN is AGEING me rapidly.
  14. *stares blankly at MUN portal waiting for magic to happen and something to change*
  15. I emailed MUN and they were super vague and said ‘Decisions on applications are normally made 2-3 months after a deadline has passed. Our office will inform you by email once a formal decision has been made on your application. Thanks for your patience.’ so... I guess April 15th?
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