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    EMWC got a reaction from WhoDat in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  2. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from roughclub in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  3. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from softshelltaco in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  4. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  5. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from teaandSW21 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  6. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from HBSW2021 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  7. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from stack in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  8. Like
    EMWC reacted to teaandSW21 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    same here! really hard to tell what 'order' they're doing it in.. aka rejections/wait list first it seems but very staggered? 
  9. Like
    EMWC reacted to priawet in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I'm really happy to have finally heard back from Carleton. I didn't get in. 
    They had a record number of applications year 175 for 25 spots. If I'm doing my math right (which to be honest, I'm seriously doubting myself now), that's about 7 applications for every 1 spot. Some U of T odds right there.  
    Carleton was my #1 choice so I'm very disappointed but I wish the rest of you guys luck!
  10. Like
    EMWC reacted to Siikun in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hi folks! Current 1 year Carleton MSW student here to calm some hearts and wish you luck. Last year my status changed to “in review by faculty of grad and post grad affairs” the day before the official offer came. You should know tomorrow  
  11. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I am not sure but wouldn't assume so - maybe offers will come through tomorrow. Looking through past forums it looks like they might be staggered a bit (by a few days!).
  12. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from teaandSW21 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I am not sure but wouldn't assume so - maybe offers will come through tomorrow. Looking through past forums it looks like they might be staggered a bit (by a few days!).
  13. Like
    EMWC reacted to anxiousgirly in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hiii I heard back from Carleton! I got waitlisted and the email says only 12 people are on waitlist! Hope everyone hears soon
  14. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    My last name starts with a C so definitely early in the alphabet!
  15. Like
    EMWC reacted to SW1234 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    That is good news! Mine has not changed yet, is your name early in the alphabet? I am wondering if it is alphabetical. 
  16. Like
    EMWC reacted to priawet in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    So exciting there's some Carleton movement! Hopefully my portal will change soon
  17. Like
    EMWC reacted to cassieb in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Yes just saw the same thing on mine!!! It is gonna be any day now.
  18. Like
    EMWC reacted to FingerCrossedMSW2022 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hi all!? Anyone knowing when Manitoba will release their results? I haven't seen any applicant mentioning their programs in this thread?
  19. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from kelsey-b in LAKEHEAD HBSW 2022   
    I was accepted into the program last year (wasn't able to attend in the end) and you can rest assured I did not write 2 pages for each exam question! I think the quality of your answers matter more than length
  20. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from cassieb in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hello team  Looks like Carleton may have updated the portal, my application status now reads "Review in progress by Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs"
  21. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from roughclub in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I was actually wondering the same! I thought only Dal sent physical letters now I am thinking other schools do as well..? I found some information online for a few schools.
    Carleton: Successful applicants will be notified by email from the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs. You can check your application status in Carleton Central. The School of Social Work will submit admission decisions by the end of February.
    WLU: Admission into a graduate program is a competitive process. Notifications of offers of admission are sent via email to the email address you provided in your application.
    UofT: Admission offer letters will be sent out from mid-February to mid-April. As decisions are mailed out, your status on the On-line application will be changed to 'Decision made'. By mid-April all decisions will be sent out.
  22. Like
    EMWC reacted to teaandSW21 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    UofT is an email to reiterate, I never got anything in the mail when I was waitlisted but I did get a 'letter' in an email if that makes sense  and the online application portal changes to 'decision made' then you click on that and it downloads a letter of your decision to your electronic device. 
  23. Like
    EMWC reacted to tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I'm sure this has been asked already but going through the 26 pages is a little tedious hahah, but I was wondering of schools send both a physical letter and email, or is it just an email? sorry for the repeat question!! 
    also, fingers crossed for all of you!
  24. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from sweetpotatorollgirl in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Received my official acceptance email from Dal today and looks like deposits need to be in by March 8th. Any idea when UofT and Laurier sent out acceptances for their 2-year program in past years?
  25. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from Pastalini in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Received my official acceptance email from Dal today and looks like deposits need to be in by March 8th. Any idea when UofT and Laurier sent out acceptances for their 2-year program in past years?
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