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Everything posted by thespeechdream

  1. hello! this component was always there on their website however it is rare for them to request an interview. Its more of a clarification thing if anything and from what I know, I don't think any of the students in my cohort were asked to give one! Hope that helps
  2. We haven't had the opportunity to have many labs as our program has primarily been online however we did have a week of audiology labs back in November which was exciting. We were able to conduct hearing screenings on each other and use the sound rooms which really helped facilitate the knowledge that we had acquired during the first few months. The audiology labs were split into groups of 3-4 and we were assigned time-slots to come in and work on the activities. Since our building is right in downtown, the covid protocols are more strict unfortunately. We don't have anatomy and physiology labs however we do conduct a lot of practice in terms of case-based studies and virtual stimulations. We also have a clinical practice course where we practice administering and scoring different language assessments, practice report writing, and learn about parent training. Currently, we have started learning about different developmental language disorders in preparation for our placements which start next month!
  3. Hello! Current UofT student here! 60 may seem like a lot but its actually not too bad haha. All our lectures are delivered as one big cohort and we are usually split up into groups of 3-6 for labs and projects.
  4. hey! honestly the best advice I could give you is practice your typing! When I took the exam last year, I had spent a good few months trying to work on my typing skills by taking typing tests that are available online and also timing myself doing practice CASPER questions. I would also recommend to do the practice test available on the website a night before your test and then just take a breather before your actual test. For the actual test, I would recommend that you don't pay too much attention to grammar and sentence structure, they really don't care about that stuff as long as it makes sense. Additionally, just remember to ask yourself it what the question is asking is ethical in real life. If you can answer that with a reason as to why its unethical/ethical, you got the full marks for the question.
  5. In terms of transcripts for McGill, they look at your cumulative GPA so you have to submit an unofficial one (which can be done after you submit your apps). You can submit it with your fourth year - term 1 marks or without (they recommend without just in case it takes your school time to update this info on their portal and apps are due early Jan). They only ask for an official one if you get an offer from them. In terms of ORPAS, you just have to place a transcript request on ORPAS, pay the fees, and they handle the rest. Once you graduate and have received an offer, you send in another request for a final transcript via ORPAS and they mail it to the school you will be attending in the fall. And yes for ORPAS, your references can send in their letters at any point (even before you submit your application). I hope this makes it a little more clear!
  6. Hello 2022 applicants! Just wanted to wish you guys good luck for this round of applications! I was in the same boat as you guys are in last year and I completely understand how stressful and overwhelming the process is. As easy it is to say, please do not panic and burn yourselves out while completing these applications, while it is a stressful time for all of you, just remember that you've gotten this far, you'll reach your destination as well I am busy with grad school however will try to check this forum for any questions you may have. Also, just an FYI for if you are applying to McGill, they do not let you send your references until you submit your applications (meaning resume + letter) so make sure you do that asap so your references have time to fill our their forms as well! and in terms of subGPA for ORPAS, they count the average for all your courses in second year, not just the last term (the system is different)
  7. I think the reason why people viewed Western as the easiest school to get into was because GPA was not a big factor in their consideration compared to the other schools and hence why they get the most amount of apps as well! my biggest recommendation is that if you're currently in school, make sure this last semester of marks are amazing! Try your best to boost up your GPA because due to Covid, it's one of the biggest factors that most schools are looking at!
  8. hello! yes I did use the same statement for all my applications and just changed up the part about the school. It takes way too much time to even perfect one statement so I would not worry too much about creating multiple!
  9. Hello! First year UofT student here! My biggest tip would be to start planning early. Make a chart of some sort with all the requirements laid out for the different schools and get in touch with your references ASAP! Also, when writing your letter of intent, try spending time and jotting down all the points you think are important for them to know about you before you start writing your draft to help sort your ideas! Good luck
  10. Hey! Im a first year student at UofT and I had no research experience whatsoever! I literally only had the research methods and stats course as they were required but other then that, nothing at all! Do not stress too much as long as you have other areas that work for you because they don't expect research to be everyone's primary interest
  11. Also an update regarding sending transcripts. Adriana from UofT said that make sure you select the option for after degree conferred for sending in transcripts!
  12. Does anyone know how the final transcript request on ORPAS works? Do we wait until after exams or do we have to place the request now?
  13. haha! ok so its half and half. I guess I might just put in the effort to look alive ??
  14. Hi guys! This might be a strange question but does anyone know if we have to have our camera's on for the open house tomorrow for UofT? I'm debating whether I should dress up or not.
  15. When they called me, the professor said it would be from 11-1! Also, they might make a recording available for those who cannot attend or stay the whole time Please do let me know if anyone receives any email with a link for the open house!
  16. Hi Guys! I just had a quick question regarding final transcripts. UofT's offer letter said that you need to make arrangements ASAP for ORPAS to receive your final transcripts. Does anyone know how that process works? Do we have to put in another transcript request to ORPAS or is it done automatically for us?
  17. ah I hope it was an exception! It creates so much anxiety for people!?
  18. Hi Everyone! Congrats on all the acceptances and waitlist offers as well! For those who did not receive an offer this year, please do not lose hope! You have all worked so hard and good things are waiting to come!! I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be accepting UofT's offer and declining Mac's and McGill's offer so I hope this helps out some people! Good luck!
  19. I am pretty sure that they would only put the amount of people that they have seats for on the waitlist as well. So it would make sense to have 52 people on the waitlist for 52 seats! That is how McGill does it as well. They have 20ish seats and around 20-30 people in their waitlist!
  20. Hi Everyone! I've never posted on this before but have been following this thread for awhile. I just wanted to thank everyone for the help and support that they have provided through this application journey. I honestly did not know a single person who I could've reached out to for help through this process and this thread was probably the best thing that happened to me. As we get our results tonight/tomorrow, I just wanted to wish everyone all the best for their bright futures and congratulate them for all the hard work that they have put in for the future. Hopefully I will see a few familiar faces in the future and get a chance to work alongside you guys :) Good luck! :)
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