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BittersweetHaiku last won the day on April 28 2021

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  1. I just got bumped up to CGS-D! Wohoo!!
  2. Sorry if this is a naive question: is this a cut-off for wait-listed people getting awards, or pgs people being bumped up to cgsd? how can you tell what the cut-offs were for each committee? related question: does anyone know anything about the chances of getting bumped up to CGSD based on your ranking? e.g., how many people usually decline CGSD per committee? I am ranked 37 out of 160 candidates in committee 198, and I am wondering if I should give up hope on CGSD or not -- that would really be life-changing for me. ?
  3. after talking to a friend I realized that it may be based on the application number. mine starts with 55. keep refreshing!
  4. sorry forgot to mention that -- S
  5. thanks. at the time of the application I had 2 first author and 2 second author full papers, plus 3 short-paper/workshop papers, and a bunch of awards, 2 years of foreign work experience as an RA in industry (while doing my bsc), and regular community service (AC, SV, reviews, etc.)
  6. I got PGSD -- CS (198)
  7. so I think these are the only committees (out of 13) have already released results to students, and the rest are still waiting. Some of these may be still in prorgess. - psychology (196) - evolution and ecology (169) - cellular and molecular biology (187) - mathematical sciences (177)? - geosciences (168) -- thanks @TundraRS, @MelanieW - chemical biology and material science engineering (194) -- thanks @UltraVioletA - plant and animal biology (195) -- thanks @Dan09 some others have heard from their grad admin. is this correct? please correct me otherwise and I'll edit the post. important: if you are in any of the above committees and you are getting an access error, contact NSERC and resolve it. chances are that your results are already up and you just can't see them. you can find the list of committees and research fields here.
  8. your research subject must be listed on your application. you can use this link to see which committee that falls under.
  9. I finally got some early news through the grad admin. She said it looks good for me, but didn't mention if it was PGS or CGS. She thinks the results will be released to us today. my application was in CS committee. the suspense is killing me!
  10. I suspect they won't send the emails until everyone's results are up
  11. you'll are getting so many NSERCs that the forum doesn't allow me to upvote anymore!
  12. no news here...
  13. lol what's happening, I feel like I'm refreshing wrong or something! congratulations!
  14. if I don't get it this year, I'm changing my last name to AAAAAAAAHHHH ?
  15. congrats! mine are not! last name starts with S.
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