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    Clinical Psychology

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  1. Has anyone heard from Clinical Psych program at Western? Feel free to PM me if you have been contacted (and are comfortable disclosing).
  2. Has anyone heard from from Western University's clinical program or McGill's Counselling program about interviews?
  3. I also got the same thing on my CGS-M portal. I agree that it doesn't make sense. Seems like they eliminated applications from rejected applicants.
  4. Mine still says "Decision pending" - no interview. In my mind i've already considered it a delayed rejection as I'm pretty sure the POIs I listed have done their interviews.
  5. Has anyone heard from POIs at Concordia (Research and Clinical Training stream)?
  6. I haven't heard from Concordia for an interview. Seems like no one has yet. I'm assuming they will be reaching out to shortlisted applicants within the next few weeks.
  7. ^ Also received a rejection from Waterloo. Holding out some hope for my other applications ?
  8. Haven't heard from Waterloo nor York's Clinical program. One of the POIs I emailed (at York) prior to applying mentioned interview invites usually get sent out "late January".
  9. Would greatly appreciate knowing the Clinical Psychology (YorkU) POI for the interview posted on the results page. ☺️
  10. Has anyone heard from POIs at Waterloo (for MA)? Simply wondering if interview emails have already gone out. Feel free to PM if you prefer!
  11. @peachy59 Hi there! I emailed 4/5 profs I listed and got replies from 3/4. I don't think its necessarily that they don't like your profile. It could very well be that they were receiving a massive amount of emails, or that they typically don't respond. I was warned by many people that it's not uncommon to not receive a reply. But ultimately, I don't have any definitive answers for you. I wouldn't put too much weight on this, as some people get replies and aren't selected for interview later in the process. Wishing you all the best!
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