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CoffeeCatsCorgis last won the day on January 25 2022

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  1. Sorry to hear! I'm irrationally still hopeful for fit-related reasons, but of course, its Harvard. My rejection will probably be on its way soon as well.
  2. @anxiouslurker Apologies if you've already said this, but would you be willing share what the decision was/your field?
  3. I noticed that Harvard acceptances/rejections were all international students, does anyone have insight into whether decisions have gone out on the portal for Americans?
  4. Aw, but three waitlists at fantastic schools looks like some pretty good odds to me. Hoping one of them manifests into an acceptance for you.
  5. Feel free to PM me about Oregon
  6. Got into Wisconsin as well! First admit of the season and I am elated.
  7. I'm under the impression that it was not an official interview, just my POI asking a few questions about my work and the direction I was hoping to take it. I don't know for sure.
  8. Hi there, I had an interview with my POI from Rutgers who said decisions should be coming fairly soon.
  9. Same A little disheartening since Chicago is a top choice. Congrats to those who've received notice of acceptance. I guess it's unlikely at this point...
  10. Congrats to the new Chicago acceptance, that's awesome!! That makes three reported so far, it looks like. If you happen to be in here, would you mind sharing how you were notified/subfield? Thank you so much.
  11. Huge congrats on your acceptance and thanks for the info! Really crossing my fingers on Chicago, seemed like a great fit and great connection/enthusiasm from my POI, but just haven't heard anything yet.
  12. Wishing everyone good luck with what may (or may not) be a "hot week" for decisions. For those of us also chipping away at MA or undergrad theses, sending extra positive energy that this stressful process does not get in the way of our current projects. Personally, I've had very little in the way of news/communication from 6 of my 7 schools up to this point, but it's not over until it's over. We got this!
  13. Nothing yet from Harvard for me. They are my one of my top schools, I'm also anxiously awaiting news!!
  14. Has anyone else received emails from schools encouraging them to apply to FLAS? I've received them from two schools now (I've applied to FLAS at both!). The first was from a grad coordinator and the second from my POI at that school. Wondering if anyone happens to know A. if this means anything regarding my application status or B. if I should be replying with a "thank you for thinking of me, looking forward to hearing back" email?
  15. Hi everyone, my interview with Rutgers went really well. It was just my POI asking me follow up questions about my research. No real news on whether or not I got in, but he mentioned that multiple faculty enjoyed reading my application. I appreciate the little community that this forum has become and how supportive everyone is.
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