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Kitkat last won the day on October 3 2011

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About Kitkat

  • Birthday March 7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Swimming(masters, I like to compete in something) , old english lit (Beowulf and the like)
  • Program
    Geosciences - geobiology

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Macchiato (8/10)



  1. I got a rejection last week from University of Texas - Austin last week, only because I emailed them. They said that the official letters were coming out this week though. I wish you better luck then me!
  2. This is what I am trying to think as well. There is always next year. From coming to this site I have lately been reminding myself there are other students who are more qualified students then myself who have had the bad luck to apply the one year that it was a bad time for them to apply, and in following years got into schools that they applied to. I am just hoping that if I don't get in this year, that I have better luck next year.
  3. Got rejected last night from Columbia. Dissapointed, but not horribly suprised at this point. I feel like I would have heard something more if it was going to happen. Oh well, if I don't get in this year anywhere, I will try agian next year. Three more schools to go.
  4. Well, I find myself still having hope. One school just sent at least one rejection, after the first round of acceptances, and I didn't get one yet. As there are still a few weeks before this deadline, I am hoping that means I still have a chance there, maybe. ;-) That is how I am looking at it at this point. If I am not rejected, there is even a bit of hope. But I emailed them this morning to see if they would like any updates, and asking how the process is going. *crosses fingers for a good response* I'll probably start emailing the other 3 schools I haven't heard back from in the next couple of days.
  5. I think at this point I am going to start contacting schools before the deadline. Just to see where they are. At this point I am already looking at jobs to improve my application for the next round. It is looking more and more bleak as time goes on. But at this point if they all reject me, I will disappointed, but I think I have reached the point of acceptance that that is the way that it worked out this year. There is always more time to try again.
  6. Backup plan b to getting into grad school this year? Totally getting out on a good start!

  7. My life is having to much excitement, good and bad, and all of it unfortunately not having to do with me knowing about getting into grad school.

    1. Canadianlinguist


      Mine was like that a year ago, and hear I am doing this again...just relax and smile someway somehow it will work out

  8. Still haven't heard from 4/5 of my schools! Maybe this week? First offers for one of the schools I applied to are supposed to respond by this Thursday.....
  9. Congrats! Are you going to wait for all of your schools to finish getting back to you, or do you now know where you want to go?
  10. I was just reading some articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education and came across this article, and I am wondering if it is a similar situation within the geosciences. I ask, because it seems like in many other respects, the geosciences seem slightly different then other sciences, but gives me the impression that it would still take up a lot of ones time.
  11. What's the sound crickets make agian? It seems like they make the perfect representation of the kind of silence that grates on ones nerves. *insert annoying silence filling sound here*
  12. I think that most people who are still waiting have done this to some degree, but just don't always want to admit to it. I have found myself doing it previously, even though I know that previous emails from the schools have gotten through to me.
  13. Well here's to people getting good news this semester!
  14. But it looks like you have 7 more schools to hear back from .. I wish you the best of luck with them! But it is true that every rejection hurts .... Just know you are not alone. We're rooting for you!
  15. In most cases I would say that you should aim for a score as high as possible, but that you would be ok with ~1100, except for the fact that you are applying to a really competitive field(as I am sure you know). In that case, the GRE can still be seen as an important part of the application. I am assuming based on your post that you are schedule/planning to retake the test before you apply (I am assuming this fall). To get ~1200 on the new test you would want to get around a ~310 total on the new test. Although, like I said before you might want to aim for more of a 320 on the new test. I think some important things are (1) how much time you have given to yourself to study for it, and (2) how you spend your study time for it. It really depends on your needs. Some people are good at standardized tests, while other(who are otherwise very intelligent) have a bad time. I would recommend that you take a practice test or two and find where your biggest problems are and focus on those parts.
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