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  1. Anyone hear from NYU Cultural Reporting and Criticism?
  2. Got waitlisted at Northwestern funny how that works out! I think programs with specializations are more competitive cause the class sizes are smaller. Oh well, Columbia here I come!
  3. Congrats! Means I probably didn't get in (my interview was rough). Oh well, I'm pretty set on Columbia at this point anyway. Do you think you're gonna go to NW?
  4. Same boat! Decent scholarship from BU but Columbia is a pretty big deal for me. Still have 5 schools to hear back from but I really only care about Northwestern and NYU at this point, but I’ll probably go to Columbia anyway, I just want to hear back. @journo2022
  5. I suppose we won't hear anything back today because its St. Patrick's day. Anyone hear back from Northwestern Medill for round 2 Magazine specialization? I believe you get notified by phone call if you're accepted. The website says by April 4th. Also I think NYU Cultural Reporting and Criticism is typically the last specialization to send results out, usually around the 25th of March. Other forums have said they only accept around 15 people a year.
  6. I got into the M.S Part-Time program! I'm over the moon!
  7. @NYCGrad19 I guess different specializations at NYU send out their decisions at different times, because my portal doesn't have a decision yet.
  8. Just spoke to someone at BU. She said to expect decisions by March 18th.
  9. @JournGrad2022 Congrats on CUNY and the others! I recently got an email from a professor/alum at BU saying my undergrad majors are "a terrific combination" and asking if I wanted to ask any questions over zoom/email. Still, my portal doesn't say anything about admission. I guess this is the final step or a request for an informal interview? @Nai23 not yet on NYU! I think they're usually late March.
  10. @kate789 Yes! It genuinely affected my opinion how I felt about the program, made things very inauthentic and transactional. The questions weren't even related to journalism—I'm assuming they give the same ones to all the applicants for the College of Communication. I guess they're just looking to see how you talk? My answers were terrible—super awkward and all over the place to the point where I think it may have significantly harmed my application (I even froze and apologized during one question). I know they said they're "not looking for perfect answers" but I wonder how big a role the Kira assessment has considering everything. Anyway, I have good options so far if I don't get in, plus BU is $$$$ anyway.
  11. Anyone hear back from Boston University? Decisions were supposedly out around this time last year.
  12. I actually applied to SAIC's New Arts Journalism program, their other writing program, and adored the whole process/the people I met and really want to go there now! My interview didn't go too great so, fingers crossed I get in! They actually only interviewed 5 people for my program (not sure how many applied) and each incoming class is only about 3-4 people, which I really like because I like the individualized attention and the opportunities you get. But we'll see!
  13. Anyone else see that CUNY extended their application deadline from December 15th to March 1st? I wonder why this is. (It also probably means we'll have to wait longer to hear back.)
  14. Had my Northwestern interview a few hours ago. It was only 20 minutes when they said it would be about 30 which is not a good sign. Oh well. @Nai23which concentration did you apply for at NW?
  15. Yeah, I've heard that getting a master's in journalism isn't really necessary, but the people who have been telling me that are also people who already have their bachelor's in journalism. I'm still interested in going. I finished all my applications, I just need to do an interview for Medill and SAIC. My Kira assessment for Boston University was horrible (I completely froze and you only get one take) so I'm not getting my hopes up for them. What Medill concentration did you apply to?
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