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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I think the reviewer comments might take some time, and they send out emails, but not all at the same time.
  2. I had a dream about a week ago...I had the list and I was searching it for hours (it wasn't in any kind of order). I never found out one way or the other, but the entire thing was just anxiety-producing.
  3. That's what I thought, so I don't think the two things are related unless the same panels met to decide both? and btw, is everyone going to avoid posting all day today so as not to be seen as a practical joker?
  4. At this point I don't feel like I have a shot, and that's ok, I don't need the funding (would be nice to have the little "raise", but not necessary). I'm more bummed about having to tell everyone that knows how much I wanted it that I didn't get it.
  5. oh man! I'm not ready for the results to come out! I enjoy hanging on to a glimmer of hope Also, I'm out of the country and only get on internet a few hours each night (I'm normally smart phone addicted). When I signed on and saw the jump in page number on this thread I almost freaked out!
  6. I was going to say 4/12, but since that's taken I'll say 4/11. Did anyone pick that already? I don't think they will do 4/1. Even if they had the list ready to go out then I bet they wouldn't release it on April Fool's Day...
  7. Where do you want to teach after? Maybe that should determine the school (in part)?
  8. Is there a big price difference? As with any program, probably best to have a visit and meet with some professors and current students. Good luck!
  9. I'm Ed Psych and applied in STEM Ed. Feeling very in the dark especially since it is a brand new category!
  10. I just like watching the chatter on here grow exponentially, reach a fever pitch and then die out in silence until 10 months later
  11. Nothing would stop you from getting teaching experience by doing lots of guest lecturing...wouldn't that be a way to combat the lack of teaching experience?
  12. ah, sorry, have no idea, but I imagine it has to do a lot with local reputation and relationships.
  13. A teaching position at a K-12 school or at a University? Most people don't go for a PhD to get a "teaching" position at a University -- it's all about the research... and then, it matters less where you went--what's important is your record and the reputation of your advisor.
  14. I find the speculating about how much *extra* money we can earn or work we can do after winning the fellowship a bit too optimistic for my blood
  15. In the end for me it was between two programs (three others fell to the wayside for less than doable financial offers). School one had an incredible financial package, but I clicked more with my advisor at school 2, and school 2 was in a location better for my spouse's work. In the end I chose school 2--most of all because it just felt right when I visited
  16. I've heard most schools don't really look at the writing score. People who have a more sophisticated writing style tend to do poorly--but that would be demonstrated in your SOP. If that is well-written, why would they care about the 4?
  17. The PhD application process isn't like undergrad: you don't generally just qualify for a certain "rank" of schools. The important thing is your research match. Do some reading in the area you are interested and write down the names that keep coming up. Look up their profiles and get familiar with their other work. If you are a good match, write them and express your interest and ask if they are accepting graduate students. That's how you should choose where to apply. ETA: I'm extremely familiar with one of the programs you listed and it has a strong ed tech program, so good that you've done some of your research already -- now just need to find specific people if you haven't
  18. I know few people who were accepted to programs very last-minute (like a month before start) because of extenuating circumstances (mostly people who met professors through roundabout ways). So, there are rare instances that it happens...
  19. Nice, thanks. I took them at their word it would be early April--though the password trick was 2008, wasn't it? Not 2009...I applied for 2009 (first time) and remember everyone talking about the inadvertent release of winners the previous year.
  20. The methods and stats training at my Ed school includes many more classes than in the psychology programs... but we do have a lot of quant-heavy faculty.
  21. We get insurance with our funding (it is the amount I have to pay taxes on every year since it isn't considered a legitimate educational expense ). I'm guessing that will continue to happen if I'm lucky enough to get a GRFP.
  22. The only thing I think may happen is if your department has guaranteed you a certain number of years funding, those years may be in addition to your three NSF years, kwim? Also, I believe NSF allows you to do a TA if it is for your professional development, but I'm not sure what they payment rules are (if they allow additional payment for that). Those who receive the award will know more--I'm sure there is a document on there that goes over all this stuff too (that's where I got the TA info...from the NSF website).
  23. The rating sheets haven't been available for at least two weeks. I think they are trying to make damn sure something like what happened in 2008? can't happen again.
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