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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. Moderator Note: Please stop reporting posts on this thread just because they offend you. We are not going to close this thread at this time. If you don't like reading the posts, please stop visiting the thread. Thank you.
  2. 2009 was April 9th I believe.
  3. I had asked my advisor for a reading list before I started. He gave me a three page list, lol!
  4. In my school & department it is not even A, as we don't usually have labs or whatever a TA would actually be teaching. So generally, a TA gives occasional guest lectures to the entire class, but mostly meets with students one on one and grades papers/exams. Students can also apply for and have the option of doing B, but we call those teaching associates (as opposed to assistants).
  5. ugh, the last week or so this has really been on my mind!
  6. We use Stata in our program (Ed Psych), and also AMOS. For more complicated SEM, Mplus is used at my school.
  7. I've known a few people who've negotiated an extra year or two or onto a fellowship from a TA. Just be honest and tell them your reservations and why you are considering another school.
  8. I would talk to current students at the program, especially foreign students. I believe my school offers people two or three years only, but has been able to cover everyone at least four years; however, there are large budget cuts at most state schools, so you never know.
  9. I'm not at USC, but I know at my school admitted students (at least first round) find out first...sometimes a month or more before rejection notices go out.
  10. Wow, I'm really surprised any school would tell you that GREs prevented admission (unless they were so low as to be below the cutoff). I'm sorry it didn't work out. Good luck with your other apps!
  11. Two years ago I received my rejection on 4/9, and my rating sheets a month later. So yes, we have quite a wait still ahead of us...
  12. I don't think they consider fall grades. Transcripts are due before they come out...
  13. The panelists meet in February, right? Starting to get antsy
  14. wow, that's awesome that they contacted you about what they thought was a missing transcript. Good to know they do that! and glad you weren't DQ'd.
  15. They will send out an email once they've made the decisions.
  16. the last chance thing is what makes the wait (and the looming likely disappointment) all that much worse!
  17. Wow, I didn't know about this either. Thankfully I didn't get one! Woo! *have to take small victories in what I'm sure will be an eventual defeat.
  18. Congrats! I remember when I applied things started really happening after the first of the year I had one early one too though, and it was such a nice holiday gift!
  19. I've never heard that Eigen. I've always heard it should be a proposal for something that is NOT started...
  20. Big deal or not it does make me wish I were from Alaska or somewhere equally underrepresented
  21. Thank you BlueRose for sharing those. What do you think about the prereading quantitative formulas? Since they are not considering GRE score this year, what do you think will happen to that? I have to admit, I'm pretty disappointed, as I had a really good GRE for my field, but graduated (almost 15 years ago!) from a second-rate undergrad school w/a fairly mediocre GPA. My worry is that I won't make it past this round.
  22. I'm in the waiting game as well. Applied under STEM Ed., Math. Waiting to do all my refreshing until late March...maybe there will be another glitch/slip-up this year and things will come early
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