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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. Sounds like you can tell a good story, which would help. But why on earth are your test scores so low? The only thing that would concern me is HOW low they are. I mean, it doesn't take much studying to bring the math portion up, so I would think that you didn't invest that much effort into it It might be a problem if you can't explain it, kwim?
  2. Interesting that she said that. I know at least one OTHER UC with plentiful ed program funding...
  3. t_ruth


    I'm guessing it is 5pm submitter's time like the other modules?
  4. t_ruth


    So nice to have it done and have the "completed" status display. though the waiting is darn near going to kill me.
  5. I saw that too, but figured most references would be either publications or presentations
  6. The way I read it 10 point font is appropriate for publications & presentations (thank goodness).
  7. I've told my writers to submit by my deadline (11/19), but I know their email said 11/22...I don't know how NSF is going to not accept ones that come in between the applicant deadline and the 11/22 deadline since the 11/22 deadline is what they told the letter-writers...
  8. We have a graduate resource center at my university and there is a binder with examples of winning proposals. You might want to check and see if yours has one too...
  9. Being able to put the references in 10 point font saved enough space for me, so I kept mine in APA
  10. It's not a problem that you don't have a degree in Education. But, what is it that you eventually hope to do? I ask because informal education is a really up-and-coming topic right now for research and if you eventually want a PhD, you might want to just go straight to it instead of getting a Masters degree first.
  11. NSF GRFP depending on your specific area. But really, I wouldn't go to a PhD program that didn't offer funding.
  12. Not quite sure what another MA would add... Your other MA grades are enough I think. Instead, you might want to register as degree-holding/non-degree-seeking somewhere and do units of undergraduate research with a professor whose work you really like. You can do three units of this and three units of random classes you want to take (statistics if you need it). This way you aren't tied down to a 2-year program, but can just do stuff more in line with your research interests.
  13. I agree. Don't sweat the undergrad GPA or the fact that your letters will come from your MA professors. Since it doesn't appear you have academic research experience (or experience really similar to academic research), you might want to highlight the elements of your polling and legislative experience that involved research-type skills. As for school recommendations, what specifically are you interested in studying? Instead of picking schools by the name/reputation of the school, you should really be picking your schools based on advisor and research focus area. This will increase your odds (and your likelihood of being happy once you are in the program).
  14. Mine just went through, woo! It was relatively easy...just had to have copies of license, registration, bank account info, etc.
  15. Sorry, can't help you with specifics then (totally different area). Hopefully someone else will know more...
  16. This will depend on your specific interests. The best thing to do is ask professors or graduate students who share those interests with you (or let us know your interests in case any of us happen to have the same)
  17. t_ruth

    Irvine, CA

    Wow, I can't imagine leaving because of not liking Irvine. I hear the same complaints from my classmates (and they all move up to Long Beach and stay in the program), but I have to say, I don't mind the environment at all. I've lived in three major metropolitan cities before this and the casual atmosphere is a welcome change. Granted, I live 20 minutes from campus (but still in South OC), and may have a different perspective since I have a family, but I'm loving my time in Orange County.
  18. For those of you considering whether or not to keep a car...you might want to ditch it: you can always do zipcar (http://www.zipcar.com/uci/) and from what I've seen, plenty of OTHER PhD students have cars and they go out together a lot, so it's just as easy to hitch a ride (if you are new to the area, who else are you going to hang out with?)
  19. I loved: The Ultimate Math Refresher for the GRE, GMAT, and SAT it was so much fun I stayed up late at night doing math
  20. I think it gets pretty brutal in the summer, but most people use window units. I would check to make sure you will be able to use one (if your place doesn't have central A/C, which not many do).
  21. True, I guess I was thinking more of those going there for doctoral degrees. There are tons of great funded PhDs out there... New York is great though - enjoy!
  22. Can I ask a question? I'm honestly really curious...I know those of you who choose to go to TC have great credentials. Why go to a program like TC over one where you are fully funded?
  23. I steered away from Ed.D. programs, knowing that I definitely wanted an academic position. I'd ask for alumni profiles of those who went into faculty jobs. Harvard has some profiles on their site: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/academics/doctorate/edd/alumni/index.html but I don't see any academic positions listed. A lot will depend on your advisor and how much you publish, of course... That said, I didn't even consider TC (Ed.D. or Ph.D.) because of the funding issues. There was no way I was going to go somewhere that didn't fund everyone.
  24. Are you set on a Higher Ed program specifically or would you consider other specializations where there may also be professors who study things aligned w/your interests?
  25. Are you sure there weren't other factors? Did you make contact w/the profs ahead of time? Did you have a good research match and write a stellar SOP highlighting that match? I know that people w/unbelievably awesome creds get rejected for lack of match...
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