Hey dude. I'm usually more of a lurker, @oubukibun, but I wanted to hop on and respond to you. I know how you feel right now, and this time of year can be the ABSOLUTE PITS. Writing is such a personal thing, and we love it so much, that there is virtually no way not to get your hopes up during MFA season. If you are committed not to try again, I will leave you to your decision, however...
You shouldn't quit. Don't stop writing and don't stop applying. Writing is subjective certainly, but this is part of your journey to get better. Get rejections, collect them even. Apply to a few smaller schools every year, ones with full funding but without the crazy name recognition. Write like an addict, read like you did when you were 11, find places to submit, and you will get better. And definitely don't quit. All this is just emotional weightlifting to make you stronger bb.
Anyways, there are lots of very kind and supporting people on here, so keep reaching out and keep talking about it. Again, I'm so sorry you're feeling down. If you find a solution for that hollow soul business, you should let us know, because a great deal of us could use that kind of help. I hope to see you back next year.