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    lilmiss90 got a reaction from HeatherCT in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Hi everyone, I got the email about 20 mins ago, unfortunately I wasn't successful. I'm really pleased for those of you who have been, though! Good luck to all of us moving forward
  2. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Amanda.A in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Ahhh I'm sorry to hear this.  I haven't gotten an email yet, I'm assuming it'll take a minute to send them out.
  3. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to billyj in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Ahhh, yes, thanks! I think I was too shook to read carefully the first time through.
    I was in committee 1-Literature and Fine Arts, and my application ranked 4/100, scored 5.52/6, lowest score funded was 4.97.
    Good luck to everyone still awaiting results!
  4. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to Beals in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Congrats to you too!!
    It was in the 'notice of decision' letter.
  5. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to Beals in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    I got my results (got an email with my extranet account link + a message saying the results were up). It took several minutes of resetting passwords and error messages but - I got it!
    I was in committee 3. I ranked 9/90 and my score was 5.13/6.
    The letter says the last funded score is 4.84/6, and that overall in the competition 28% of applicants were offered a fellowship (much higher than previous years!).
    Good luck to everyone else! As for me - I'm still shaking and cannot believe it!!!
    Edit: forgot to mention - my letters were uploaded on Feb 24 so they really have been sitting on this.
  6. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to billyj in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    I received my results just five minutes ago. I received an email with instructions for extranet and the result was in a letter on extranet, along with supplementary documents. I was successful. I am still sifting through the documents, but it doesn't appear that the score / ranking is included--only the letter saying they are offering funding.
  7. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from PhdMultilinguaEd in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Ahhh I'm sorry to hear this.  I haven't gotten an email yet, I'm assuming it'll take a minute to send them out.
  8. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to PeaDev in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Extranet e-mail or results e-mail?! Don't leave us hanging!
  9. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to academicfornow in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    uh oh. Just got the e-mail. Guess I have to check it now????
  10. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Beals in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    ...are you kidding me. That is so cruel. What is WRONG with these people? It's moments like these when I wonder why I'm bothering with a postdoc at all when it's so much stress and effort for $45k before taxes and I could be making so much more outside of academia. They say their funding is intended to attract top talent and then they underpay us and can't even give us the decency of knowing an exact date when we'll get results (n.b. I'm not saying I'm among this 'top talent' lol it's just one of their favourite slogans). And they only award 20% of applicants this pittance and so whoever is fortunate enough to be funded is expected to feel so grateful and hashtag blessed. Over it.
  11. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from whiterabbit in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Interesting...maybe as whiterabbit said that's a good sign?
    Lol this exchange sent me. I feel like we have a very different definition of 'soon' than SSHRC.
  12. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Svaaron in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    A new update on Twitter from SSHRC in response to the person who asked if the expectation that we'll receive our results the week of February 28th has changed:
    "We are working on it, your email should arrive soon."
    And then someone asked if they could give some sort of guidelines on what 'soon' means in this case.
  13. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from msfinley in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    A new update on Twitter from SSHRC in response to the person who asked if the expectation that we'll receive our results the week of February 28th has changed:
    "We are working on it, your email should arrive soon."
    And then someone asked if they could give some sort of guidelines on what 'soon' means in this case.
  14. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Amanda.A in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    A new update on Twitter from SSHRC in response to the person who asked if the expectation that we'll receive our results the week of February 28th has changed:
    "We are working on it, your email should arrive soon."
    And then someone asked if they could give some sort of guidelines on what 'soon' means in this case.
  15. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to PeaDev in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    The tweet is from yesterday and I wouldn't assume that SSHRC's twitter person knows exactly when the results will be released. Perhaps we should e-mail them and ask for an update (I am also frustrated and tired of waiting, if there has been a change they need to e-mail everyone and not just reply to one person via twitter). 
  16. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to Mrazy in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    I'm in solidarity with you all - it's a silly thing but I keep reaching the max of how many likes I can give out a day haha. It's at about 1 or 2 now a day before the message 'sorry, you can't add any more reactions today' pops up. So even if I don't like a post, I'm reading each one and appreciate going through this process with everyone here. 
  17. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to PeaDev in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    I sent them an e-mail politely suggesting that they communicate any changes to the release of results to everyone via e-mail. Hopefully we have our relief soon.
  18. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from academicfornow in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    It's so odd too that we're into the third year of COVID-19 and so of course some delay is understandable but after two previous cycles of moving this process online and adapting to the pandemic you'd think they would have it figured out. SSHRC was created in like the 1970s, surely by now they have some idea of how to do the same job they do every single year and get out peoples' results...? Hearing how some people's accounts have results, others have none, others have results from last year, it seems like it's just a mess behind the scenes. I know I'm being so salty right now but it's not just for me, I have a lot of friends and also you folks here who have staked a lot on this and have had two weeks now of anxiety and it's so frustrating. And they're such an opaque organization it's not clear to whom these concerns should be addressed or how to remedy any of this.
  19. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from mak2014 in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    ...are you kidding me. That is so cruel. What is WRONG with these people? It's moments like these when I wonder why I'm bothering with a postdoc at all when it's so much stress and effort for $45k before taxes and I could be making so much more outside of academia. They say their funding is intended to attract top talent and then they underpay us and can't even give us the decency of knowing an exact date when we'll get results (n.b. I'm not saying I'm among this 'top talent' lol it's just one of their favourite slogans). And they only award 20% of applicants this pittance and so whoever is fortunate enough to be funded is expected to feel so grateful and hashtag blessed. Over it.
  20. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from HeatherCT in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    It's so odd too that we're into the third year of COVID-19 and so of course some delay is understandable but after two previous cycles of moving this process online and adapting to the pandemic you'd think they would have it figured out. SSHRC was created in like the 1970s, surely by now they have some idea of how to do the same job they do every single year and get out peoples' results...? Hearing how some people's accounts have results, others have none, others have results from last year, it seems like it's just a mess behind the scenes. I know I'm being so salty right now but it's not just for me, I have a lot of friends and also you folks here who have staked a lot on this and have had two weeks now of anxiety and it's so frustrating. And they're such an opaque organization it's not clear to whom these concerns should be addressed or how to remedy any of this.
  21. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from HeatherCT in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    ...are you kidding me. That is so cruel. What is WRONG with these people? It's moments like these when I wonder why I'm bothering with a postdoc at all when it's so much stress and effort for $45k before taxes and I could be making so much more outside of academia. They say their funding is intended to attract top talent and then they underpay us and can't even give us the decency of knowing an exact date when we'll get results (n.b. I'm not saying I'm among this 'top talent' lol it's just one of their favourite slogans). And they only award 20% of applicants this pittance and so whoever is fortunate enough to be funded is expected to feel so grateful and hashtag blessed. Over it.
  22. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Amanda.A in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    ...are you kidding me. That is so cruel. What is WRONG with these people? It's moments like these when I wonder why I'm bothering with a postdoc at all when it's so much stress and effort for $45k before taxes and I could be making so much more outside of academia. They say their funding is intended to attract top talent and then they underpay us and can't even give us the decency of knowing an exact date when we'll get results (n.b. I'm not saying I'm among this 'top talent' lol it's just one of their favourite slogans). And they only award 20% of applicants this pittance and so whoever is fortunate enough to be funded is expected to feel so grateful and hashtag blessed. Over it.
  23. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from HeatherCT in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Well friends, I think it's probably safe to say we won't be hearing anything today.  Hoping we get some news tomorrow and won't have to wait until Friday.
  24. Like
    lilmiss90 reacted to SadieLou in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    I feel like somebody needs to give SSHRC a head's up about "under-promise, over-deliver." Like, if they told me I'd know in April, and I found out in March--amazing!
    As it is, I'm basically a walking vegetable.
  25. Like
    lilmiss90 got a reaction from Mrazy in SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2023   
    Well friends, I think it's probably safe to say we won't be hearing anything today.  Hoping we get some news tomorrow and won't have to wait until Friday.
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