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Status Replies posted by cogscipixie

  1. feeling like a plastic bag :(

    1. cogscipixie


      'cause baby you're a FFFIIIRREEEEWWOOORRRKKK

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. 2nd round of RA interviews = finished! fingers crossed, because i LOVE this lab.

    1. cogscipixie


      I had a very similar experience during my 1st grad app cycle, except that I turned down the one school (cog neuro) that was very basic research oriented and I wanted to do much more applied cog sci/education research. I took 2 years working as a research associate at a learning research center at a top R1, and ended up getting multiple offers that fit me better the 2nd time around. You'll be just fine :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. feeling good today. lots of positive email responses from POIs!

  4. There is too much corn out here!

    1. cogscipixie


      There's more than corn in Indiana ;)

  5. My first rotation advisor gave me some papers to read. I'm practically drooling over them :) hooray!

    1. cogscipixie


      I'm glad I'm starting research a little bit before classes so I can get familiarized with the literature.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. oh, wine hour. how i've missed you ...

  7. All I can think about is a new town, a new apartment and beginning a program that I've been waiting to start for the past few years!

  8. The Grad Gods have spoken... I will be attending Mississippi State University next Fall!

  9. anybody else find the task of keeping up with one's field intimidating and overwhelming?

  10. Happy Friday to all my friends on Grad Cafe! Hooray!

  11. Great news two days in a row! I can hardly believe it, but I got an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

  12. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at MSU this past week/weekend! Pleasant and dedicated professors and students to potentially work with, awesome equipment to learn to use (fMRI, getting an EEG cap, and an uber cool motor vehicle testing center (CAVS)), as well as an all around great program! My fit = Perfect!

  13. Next week I'm breaking down and emailing the final schools I haven't heard from.

    1. cogscipixie


      Ditto. :) Makes it all the more sweeter about going to one of my final choices.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Can my birthday gift be the ability to make a decision?

  15. Ok guys, I'm seriously considering accepting an offer without hearing back from my final school. My head is spinning. That final school is stringing me along, and I'm exhausted. Lastly, I don't want to string along the school that accepted me!

    1. cogscipixie


      I completely understand. I'm waiting on the official stuff from my last choice before I make that final decision.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. Heading To ASU

    1. cogscipixie


      Yay! I hope to see you and my friend at Psychonomics in the near future :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. channeling my angst into dum-dum addiction.

  18. Decided.

    1. cogscipixie


      Good for you! I'm still sitting on 2 offers trying to make a wise decision.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. gotta get down on friday, ADMISSIONS COMMITTEES. Gotta make your mind up, which student can you take?

    1. cogscipixie


      Pretty Vacant - Party in the front seat. Party in the back seat.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. lots of traveling this week but should have a good idea on where i'm going after it's all done!

  21. Dear last school, please let me know your decision. If you reject me, then my decision is easy. If you accept me, then I have many nights of sleepless decision making on the way. I need to know if I should catch up on sleep now to prepare.

    1. cogscipixie


      I just sent out emails to the last schools I interviewed with, since apparently other applicants were given offers, and I'm in the dark (most likely waitlisted without them telling me). I would like to make my decision sooner rather than later for the schools that did give me offers.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Happy month until April 15th!

    1. cogscipixie


      Oh wow...come on, schools! I need to know noooowww.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Accepted to Purdue!

  24. "Dear snes: We regret to inform you that for Ash Wednesday we're giving up YOU."

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