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Everything posted by cogscipixie

  1. Hey! Are you the same GR/GVSU guy I met at UIC's interview weekend??? I'm the Albion alum you met. -Christina

  2. official Kent offer letter and Pitt psych rejection in mail the same day. A blessing in disguise?

  3. UIC interview starts tomorrow. Leave for Chicago in the afternoon. Hella nervous.

    1. newms
    2. Argonaute
    3. PschVeg


      You are going to rock it. Enjoy Chicago!!!

  4. Congrats on your acceptance! :) Where do you think you might be headed this fall?

  5. Hi all! I applied for mostly cognitive psychology programs but I applied for 3 learning sciences and 1 educational psych PhD program that do more research in cognitive science with educational applications. I got into Purdue's Educational Psychology PhD program, waitlisted for NW's Learning Sciences & Policy program, and still waiting on Pitt's LSP and Indiana-Bloomington's learning sciences programs.
  6. well, hey =, OSU thank for your brief rejection via mail. I didn't really want to be a Buckeye anyways, or live in Buckeye territory for 5 years.

    1. imwright


      Hahaha This cracked me up! Much of my extended family lives in Ohio thus they also tend to support the "mighty" Buckeyes. From visiting family up there, I can assure you that you will not be missing a lot, as much of Ohio is very insipid and cold :-P

      I am still waiting to hear back from more schools. Only two so far!!!

  7. holy crap! 4 student visitors are also being interviewed with me for a single spot in Stellan Ohlsson's lab at UIC. @#$%!!!!

    1. PschVeg


      No worries... you will do great!

  8. accepted to Kent State! YAY

    1. newms


      Woohoo! Congratulations!

    2. imwright
    3. PschVeg
  9. Emphasis: Cognitive psychology/learning sciences Background & Grades: approx 3.6 overall GPA for undergraduate work, 4 years of undergraduate research work (Behavioral neuroscience and Cognitive labs) at a Tier 1 selective small liberal arts college, 1 year undergraduate TA for psychology research methods & statistics course, honors thesis (in collaborative problem solving and text processing). 1st author for peer-reviewed paper on a portion of my honors thesis results, several undergraduate departmental awards and summer research fellowships. Post-bac research work at a large R1 university reading and language lab at a well-known learning research center. Programs applied to: Purdue (Ed Psych/learning sciences), Indiana (Learning Sciences), Kent State (cog), U of Kentucky, U of Cincinnati, University of Illinois-Chicago, Ohio State, Old Dominion, Pitt (cognitive + learning sciences), George Mason (applied cognition masters) Interviews: Kent State - Feb 11-12, UIC- Feb 24-26, U of Kentucky - March 3-4, Phone interview with George Mason (Feb 16th) Rejections: As of now, only OSU. Most likely ones from Pitt's psych program and Cincinnati (but they are ranked a ton lower than most of my programs). Still waiting to hear from IU and Old Dominion. Having good thoughts about the Kent weekend and Pitt's Learning Sciences program.
  10. received an official letter for full-funding from Purdue!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. newms



    3. MoJingly


      Hoooray! Congrats!

    4. imwright


      Yay! Congrats all around! You are really hitting them out of the ballpark.

  11. Interview went well. I will be hearing back from them this week :) EEK

  12. Ughhhh. Purdue cannot offer me funding at this time for the Ed Psych PhD program due to severe budget cuts. Not the way I wanted to go into my first interview weekend for another program.

    1. eklavya


      that totally sucks! but sit tight - pretty sure you will get offers with full funding soon!

  13. leaving for first interview tomorrow! Hope I don't get lost driving there.

  14. Aaaaawwww. Don't worry, MoJingly. I've felt the same way for the past 2 months, and I work in a research lab at a big university. So it's constant pressure with people asking me about "so how's grad school apps going?" It makes me want to scream bloody hell at everyone.
  15. official date set for my U of Kentucky visit. Interviewing with my potential advisor separately from the other candidate weekend frees up a lot more of my schedule.

    1. imwright


      I also have an official date set but for my Iowa University visit. I was given a few different flight times and days, so I think it will be just me. From what I take of it, I will be interviewed by potential advisor and then I get to visit with the rest of the department and some of the current graduate students. I am looking forward to it and I cannot wait! And of course, congrats on yours! (By chance, when is yours?)

  16. got accepted into Purdue's Ed Psych PhD program. So out of the blue, but definitely made my week!

  17. This is what I think will happen: "Congratulations, Christina! You just got into graduate school. What are you going to do next?" Me: "I'm going to Disney WORLLLLDDD!!!!!!" Seriously, my parents want to take me to Disney World this summer after I finish my research position, and go to grad school in the fall.
  18. Good luck! I declined IU's cog psych program offer two years ago. They're an outstanding cog sci program, and I'm really fond of Rob Goldstone's work on conceptual learning. Most people that get into their program get 100% funding, so you should be alright.
  19. Hi Meagan! :) Hope you're loving Madison and glad to see some former Britons on gradcafe. Keep in touch!


  20. Has anyone heard from Pitt's cognitive program yet? I think they've already set their interview weekend to Feb 11-12 so I think they would be cutting close if they didn't send out word this week.
  21. This might sound a bit silly, but I was a social Greek in college, and there were several "no-no's" never to be spoken about during formal recruitment rounds with potential new members vice versa with members: No religion, boys, politics, alcohol/drug talk. I think the same would go for a grad school interview. Even if grad students and faculty are making fun of the latest Glenn Beck scandal, it's best to either change the conversation route, talk about current research projects, or living in that college community. I consider myself pretty center-moderate, maybe even libertarian by certain standards, but by no means does that mean that grad school interviews is the best place to start talking personal belief systems or politics.
  22. Honestly, I think you made the right decision, even though it seemed like a tough decision to make. Like everyone is saying above, I'm surprised the school wouldn't even let you do Skype interviews with the faculty. It says a lot about the personality of the program if they're that stubborn about you making it to the interview weekend. Most programs I've talked to are better about letting you attend the weekend before/after or scheduling skype interviews. It hasn't happened yet to me, but I have an inkling one school is going to invite me officially to their visit day when I've already had another interview weekend set in place with another program set in place since early January. Some schools need to either sent out interview invites earlier so that they can deal with possible conflicts. They should know by now that many applicants apply to multiple schools, hence the reason why a candidate might be invited to more than one interview. I have 3 interviews already, but I'm worried about the possibility of adding one more to my list. There's only so many weekends in February and early March. This thread is a good learning experience for those of us that will have to choose between interviews, let alone between more than one possible acceptance.
  23. Not everyone wears a suit (especially the girls). However, it depends if you are going to clinical or experimental psychology interviews. I found that for most of my fellow female interviewees at Indiana 2 years ago for the cognitive program were wearing nice dress slacks, pretty, bright cardigan sweaters, and draped cashmere/printed scarves. I wouldn't suggest wearing a skirt in the winter, especially if it goes above your knee at all. I say, "wear your Sunday best" For the men, most of them were wearing blazers, tucked-in dress shirts (no wild colours, Euro-trash stuff) and dress slacks with nice loafers or shoes. I think most psych professors are extremely casual, but you will want to dress up at least 5 notches higher than them, but by no means do you have to wear a blazer if it makes you comfortable. Also some other do's/don't's: 1) No khaki. It looks too casual/hanging at the clambake. 2) No stilettos. If you like to wear heels though and your walking around outside, I suggest wearing kitten heels or stacked wedges for women. I've seen some ugly/matronly shoes though at interviews, so again, do what makes you feel comfortable, but be warned that you will be on your feet in those all day. 3) Bring a small satchel for papers, your wallet, phone, handouts you get throughout the interview and a notepad/Moleskin to take notes. This way the satchel frees your arms when you are being introduced/greeted by faculty/students.
  24. You should be ok! I have a friend that is at UChicago (actually faculty/collaborator, Sian Beilock) and I'm sure that they haven't sent out stuff yet to interviewees.). I'm not sure about any of the other schools on your list, but I wouldn't give up yet. Most schools (esp if they were a later December or even January deadline) haven't even had adcom meetings. If it makes you feel better, most of my programs were Dec 15/Jan 1/Jan 15 deadlines. I probably won't hear back from some until end of January or early February.
  25. trembling a bit since my department/program I am currently employed at is releasing interview offers right at this moment...my email inbox is blank. :/

    1. Matba


      I think I'm in the same boat, although I haven't seen anyone comment about interviews invitation yet. My division chief wrote to the program director personally, yet no emails. Shame, we slave away for them...they should at least interview us!

    2. cogscipixie


      Agreed! I've loved the interaction I've had within the dept and with the faculty (I'm a full time lab coordinator/research associate), and it will just be a little awkward if I don't get at least an interview.

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