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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Cambridge, NY
  • Program
    MFA Studio Art

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  1. FYI: SUNY Purchase does not have a photo MFA. It's a multidisciplinary program with strongest elements in sculpture, video and painting. While there are print and photo facilities, it is difficult to access these as a grad.
  2. Off to Purchase College! Couldn't be happier!!
  3. Just admitted to Brooklyn College's MFA via email!!! SO excited--it's a great program and very affordable.
  4. yes, that's right. someone called cornell a few days ago (post a few pages back) and they said that it's a pretty safe bet that if we haven't heard anything from them by now that means rejected. they'll probably send letters soon.
  5. yes, several people have gotten interviews or waitlist emails. i think if you haven't heard by now (like me) you can assume rejection...
  6. L333makes


    I'm wondering if you, @Chombo, have thoughts about the funding that may become available as a second year student. Joshua Mosley told me about this possibility, (merit scholarships that you can compete for, based on performance in the pgm)--how competitive are these, and what are the amounts? Thank you, again, for sharing with us--it's great to hear from someone on the inside!
  7. rejected Rutgers via email this morning
  8. L333makes


    I'm wondering the same thing--and leaning away from Penn because of the debt. From what I've heard, we're all in a similar boat with nearing 80k in loan debt for the pgm. i spoke with joshua mosley last week, and he mentioned that sometime there is more funding available in the second year, if a student performs really well, but i'm nervous about entering into a situation in which i am risking so much debt...where do the rest of you stand?
  9. @wannaknow, has your rutgers status changed? i still haven't gotten anything from them, and my status still says 'no decision.' weird.
  10. has anyone who interviewed at purchase last week heard anything or have any idea when we'll hear? i'm crossing all of my fingers and toes...!
  11. L333makes


    Thanks, Laine. Can you talk about why it's been a top choice for you? I know that I was attracted to it initially because the MFA is housed in the school of art and design--among disciplines like architecture and urban planning, etc. There seems to be a great emphasis on applied art/ making art that is addressing/ looking at social issues (i think on their website they say something like 'looking at social issues as design problems'). it seems less myopic than some programs in this way. in terms of aid, i heard that they only give one or two TA positions in the first year, and that then you compete for the chance to teach a class in the second year...not sure which is right (i like your version more! LoL) I'd love to hear more from others about the pros/ cons they see...
  12. L333makes


    since there seem to be several of us who have been admitted to penn design, i thought we might start our own group to exchange info that we each find out about the program, and to see who's headed to the open house in april. i'm very curious about how many people they admitted, what the situation with funding/ TA will look like, and what the ultimate size of the incoming 'class' will be. anyone know? (someone had posted 18-20 ppl in per year on another thread, wondering if that sounds right?)
  13. did you interview? and how did you find out about waitlist? thanks!
  14. weeeeehaw!! yes, see you there!! did they tell you how many people they admitted? i realized that i actually don't know the exact size of the program--do you know? i got the sense from visiting that it's pretty small, but i can't find the # on the website...
  15. GOT INTO PENN DESIGN!!! via phone call, about 30 minutes ago. no financial infos yet, but they wanted to let me know.
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