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Everything posted by NadaJ

  1. And working in an academic department and being privy to TT searches, the committee looks at transcripts. I'm sure seeing a C will raise questions. I think the grading for this one professor of mine is an anomaly. And this will only be a problem for me if I am reapplying to PhD programs again next year. Then I will most likely have to explain anything lower than an A- in a foundation course in my SOP. Maybe a B will be okay...
  2. Okay, let's talk about this! Is going into 40-100K of debt for an MSW worth it? If the MSW is your terminal degree and you're not looking to go into research or for a PhD, what the appeal is for expensive or Ivy MSW programs? I think many students think they will receive scholarships or financial aid offers, or maybe their place of employment will pay for it. Or is it really for the advanced employment opportunities? (this last point may work for an MPP or MPH, but are there high paying MSW jobs??) Hmm...
  3. I like this poll! Especially that we can check more than one thing. I am preparing to apply again if I need too, but I also have some other things I want to accomplish in 2011/12 if I'm not in a PhD program.
  4. I am a Masters student and I have received all A/A- that I work damn hard to obtain. However, I have a class in which the instructor told us on the first day that "nothing is wrong with a C, it means you have met the requirements for the course." This is BS. I am not advocating for easy grading, but the adcomms do not think "oh, this applicant has met the criteria for the course" when they see a C. My professor says in order to earn an A, we have to wow her, but when asked to define "wow", she was at a loss of words.
  5. Not crazy at all! I would have probably yelped or jumped out of my chair or some other dramatic stunt. I jump every time I see the school I applied to, the program I applied to, or any school I even looked at over the past 6 months, appear on the results page. That's crazy.
  6. UPenn has a GRE cut off? LOL, I did not know that! I was too busy looking through the faculty pages and their CVs. That was eye opening for me and narrowed down my choice of options considerably. Seems like there are a lot of schools that cater to child welfare and mental health, but do not delve so much into poverty and inequality. My husband and I have wanted to move to Seattle for a long time. But, the one faculty person there I wanted to work with left to go to Madison, so UW Seattle was a no-go for me--despite the weather, mountains, and proximity to Vancouver where my BIL and SIL live. I traveled via bus/train/plane/automobile making visits too! I figured, if I'm going the one app route, I need to put my best effort forward--without retaking the GRE.
  7. You know, I keep going back and forth between this being a crazy idea just applying to one program, or the right thing to do. Are you also applying to SW PhD programs? I seriously looked over several programs--WashU, Berkeley, UPenn, UWisc-Madison, and UChicago, but only one stood out. I'm so glad I made contact with the POI, because she was so helpful with my SOP, and giving me some insight into the program, what she's looking for in a PhD student and the important question, if she would advise me. Her research is so interesting and ground breaking, I would be thrilled to be her advisee, but if I don't get accepted, I will still follow her work and apply again next year. Also, I have a 2.5 YO, and if I dont get accepted, I hope to get pregnant again this year, so I'm excited either way (some days, I lean towards starting my PhD in Fall 2011, other days I hope to have a baby in Winter 2011). In the Decisions, Decisions forum, I think I ruffled someone's feathers about applying to schools based on weather, but I wonder if this is field specific--I honestly cannot see myself getting the same amount of knowledge at various institutions. Maybe in SW they are more differentiated from each other??
  8. It's kind of like buying a lottery ticket. You gotta play to win.
  9. I am not starting an argument with you. You can justify your graduate school decisions any way you wish. For me, I need to get over my aversion to snow very quickly, because in my specific field and area of interest, the action is where the snow is, and its more important for me to be with the faculty and advisors that are the movers and shakers in my field, than to be somewhere without snow. Seriously, it's 4-5 years. Perhaps I have a different perspective because I am over 30 and have varied life experiences. Four to five years is a drop in the bucket for me. As your signature says, YMMV.... And just like with shopping at Target, I'm done!
  10. This is how I feel on bad days. On good days I think the adcomm is saying "this is exactly where we see the field headed! Call her right now!"
  11. OT--I like your signature! It reminds me of another quote I've picked up along the way: "I am not yet the author of my life, I'm still it's unenlightened protagonist. "--Unknown
  12. We can agree to disagree. I refuse to spend 4-5 years of my academic life in an institution that is not preparing me to be the scholar I want to be. If weather is your biggest concern, then go for it. To-mae-toe, To-mah-toe.
  13. MSW11 and Amaxi, congratulations!!!! How exciting!! I am interested in a PhD in social welfare (macro social welfare and policy at that), so I have no idea what to expect from an MSW program. I have looked at Hunter, and their faculty seem really interesting and engaged with their students. If you have the resources to apply and the deadline hasn't passed, I say go for it....this, coming from the lady who applied to one program...
  14. I'm not more moody than usual, but I have a certain annoyance with my last semester of classes in my Masters program. I am so ready to move on! And between checking my email, phone, and Grad Cafe constantly, I have taken up eating pastries and ice cream. Lots of pastries and ice cream unfortunately.....
  15. Very interesting. I am counting on my POI contact to help the chances of my application being received favorably. Although, I made a point to meet with the POI face-to-face so we could see if this would be a good match. That may be the kicker...
  16. I think I would go just to add the presentation to my CV, but that's just me.
  17. Just saw someone post an interview with UPenn! Anyone want to claim this?
  18. Better that than your GRE score.
  19. LOL @ Golden Monkey..my preferred adcomm review of my materials are similar: SOP, LORs, Grad School GPA, CV, and because the aforementioned items are so awesome, not even bother to look at my undergrad GPA and certainly not my GRE scores **shudders**
  20. *Walks to my HR soapbox* I have to brush up on my title 6, but even so, this is utterly ridiculous. *Steps down from HR soapbox*
  21. In a lot of ways, this application season was a test run. I didn't even think about applying to any PhD program until July or August, when I told a professor I was communicating with of my plans and she steered me this direction. I had taken the GREs in 2009, but my scores were abysmal. My UG GPA is absymal too, so all I have going for me at the moment is a decent SOP, wonderful LORs, a 3.8 grad GPA, and great communication with a POI at the one school in which I've applied. If I don't get in this year, I will certainly be sad, but it won't be unexpected. And then I will add more tear-jerking statements to my SOP, retake the GRE and have my M.Ed finally under my belt. Next year is looking kinda nice actually....
  22. Bump.... Yesterday marked 1 month after the application deadline for the on school I applied. I hope this time next month I'll know "something"....
  23. I am so sick of snow, but I've applied to a program in a city that has snow because it's the best program for what I want to do. And actually, this is good practice for if I actually go on the TT market; when positions become available, you just apply. There's no waiting for the great location to suddenly become available.
  24. Six word SOP: Organizations should always be socially responsible. Six word application process: Please pay me to research this.
  25. I've only picked up bad habits: nail biting, obsessive email checking, and writing pros and cons lists for why I will/will not be accepted to grad school. I am taking a class over break which helps a little. Before this whole process I used to knit and read for fun...can't wait till after I finally know.
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