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About paigeski

  • Birthday 05/19/1986

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Geological Engineering, skiing, hiking, camping, owls, dream catchers
  • Program
    Geological Engineering

paigeski's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. So, I've started a part-time job, about 32 hours a week, and am taking a Summer Class, needless to say I'm extremely busy. If I'm extremely busy now, I'm wondering what it will be like when I actually start researching, etc..(I'm making up deficiencies right now, so I haven't started my thesis yet). I asked my boss to reduce my hours, but he says he really needs me right now because we are busy and I need to learn everything before the school year starts. I was curious to hear other people's opinions on working while in graduate school. I am definitely going to ask for no more than 15 hours a week during the Fall and Spring semesters. Obviously not working is ideal, but I need a little extra cash. That, or I could take out extra loan money and not work, but who wants so much debt? Thanks for your input!
  2. Let's hope this is the case! Good luck with the GRE!
  3. *sigh* I suppose we'll see how it goes, I guess I could always drop a course if it becomes too crazy and just take Calc 3 in the Fall.
  4. So, just curious, I'm taking 2 summer courses, Statics and Calculus 3. Statics is 4 days a week for 2 hours and Calc 3 is 5 days a week for 2 hours. I will also be working part time (most likely 10-15 hours a week). Is this crazy? I have heard taking 2 summer classes at the same time might be difficult, but it can't be any more difficult than taking a full load of classes during a 16 week semester and working, right? *lets hope*
  5. I'll be attending Colorado School of Mines and studying Geological Engineering. I still have to make up some prereq's, so I'm not sure on my thesis yet.
  6. I was at work when I noticed a new email on my phone, email said to check website for admissions status. I do not have internet at work, called my Dad frantically, he checked and told me I was accepted. YA. Proceeded to squee loudly on the inside, as I did not want to freak out my co-worker.
  7. Thank you! I'll be living with my boyfriend and we would like a 2 bedroom apartment, or we could rent part of a house, we just mainly want a 2 bedroom that allows pets (1 cat), and we have 2 cars.
  8. Accepted to Colorado School of Mines! yay!

  9. paigeski

    Golden, CO

    Hi! Anyone out there live in Golden? Where are the best apartments, close to campus, good price? I know all of those qualifications might not be possible, but any advice would be great! Thanks!
  10. paigeski


    I filled out FAFSA and I wasn't expecting any grants, but my gripe is that I worked in 2010, but I am quitting my job to go back to graduate school, so the money I made last year won't be there when I'm in graduate school. Very frustrating. Hopefully, I'll get some good funding (if I get in!). Anyone have any other ideas for funding, etc? I guess there's always loans... Sorry, just needed to vent.
  11. I have considered becoming "Pam", as well. I would enjoy even more if my co-workers were Office-esque, especially if there was a "Dwight". Best Case Scenario: Get into Colorado School of Mines, full-funding with internship at United States Geological Survey. AFterwards, get a wonderful job with the government (BLM, United States Forest Service, Army Corps of Engineers, etc..) Worst Case: I have 2 back up plans-mostly because I am very determined to pursue my passion, I really need a change from my job and have been planning this for a while...and I really don't mind any of these options. At least that's comforting if I don't get into CSM. 1. I don't get into to CSM , but get into Colorado State University, take classes there to prepare for graduate study, while attending relevant conferences, presenting posters, maybe do some research etc...preparing to be the most awesome applicant ever for CSM when I apply again. 2. Don't get into CSU, take classes at community college to prepare for graduate school, attend relevant association meetings, network, volunteer at geotechnical firm. Repeat process until admitted to CSM...maybe. I'll give it 2 tries. I can only go in debt so much. Absolute worst case: no school wants me, I move to Telluride, work in a ski shop and become a ski bum.
  12. Animal House
  13. Definitely. I need to brush up on my vocabulary. Although, the post was very enjoyable to read because of the varied and interesting wording.
  14. I am planning on going back to graduate school to get my Masters in Geological Engineering or Civil Engineering (geotech). I have a BS in Geology, but only required up to Calc 2. As you all know, I need Calc 3 and Diffy Q for an engineering degree. The thing is, I haven't taken Calc 2 in 5 years! Should I just review and take Calc 3 (I'm leaning more towards this), or, start over at Calc 2, or even Calc 1? Thanks for your input. I've applied to Colorado School of Mines...the wait is horrible!
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