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Everything posted by eco_env

  1. It's kind of risky moving without having an acceptance, isn't it? First, get an apartment, then get a driver's license/ State ID, then open a bank account. try to get a utility/phone bill as soon as possible- you might need those to open a bank account. I'd probably risk living without health insurance for a few months, but in any case I'd say it's your lowest priority.
  2. indeed.com is the google of job listings.
  3. so how do you get a post-doc at a top 5 place? or with a well-known respected researcher anywhere?
  4. my advisor seems to be more anxious to get the results than I am- because I know I have no chance.
  5. my undergrad advisor tried to discourage me from going for a PhD right away. I was motivated to prove him/her wrong, but know I'm starting to think s/he's right after a few months in grad school where I've accomplished very little.
  6. I tried having a package sent to my dept mailbox- mail services said they sent it, the dept said they didn't get it.
  7. There's also the year of free 2-day shipping you can get as a student- you don't need to buy Amazon prime for that. I order a lot of things from Amazon- sometimes they leave the packages at my door, sometimes they want a signature and I need to be around to get the package. with 2 day shipping, I can plan to have packages delivered on days when I can stay at home. I also tried having stuff delivered to my campus address, with disastrous results, but it might work for others.
  8. Don't make an argument when you have insufficient supporting evidence.
  9. Maybe because I posted a lot of updates last year for EEB programs.
  10. I've also seen "in revision" but I'm not sure if that can be used for "revise and resubmit" or just "accepted with minor revisions".
  11. eco_env

    San Diego, CA

    University City is a good place for UCSD grad students to live. I think there is university housing in that area too, but I don't think it's really cheaper than living in a regular apt. The public transit isn't great- taking the bus to get places will take you a long time, but there are buses. But some of the areas near the university are very nice- west of University City is La Jolla, which has nice beaches and shopping areas. and the weather there is pretty nice, if you don't mind not having seasons.
  12. establish a credit history. get extra money in the form of points. I don't have a credit card, but if I had one I'd use it like a debit card- pay it off every month.
  13. Maybe ecology is different; there are a lot of things I looked for in programs/advisors, but never considered sexism to be an issue, and no one else told me to look for it or an absence of it. I agree with Eigen.
  14. This book is a bit antiquated, but could be useful: The Ph.D. Process: A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences by Dale F. Bloom, Jonathan D. Karp and Nicholas Cohen
  15. a couch! For me to get comfortable while reading a book or watching TV and for guests to sleep over.
  16. seems more reasonable to look for evidence to the contrary- why would you assume that they single females out?
  17. I didn't have any publications or posters at conferences outside my school when I applied (I did have a work in progress to submitted for publication, but I don't know if that's worth anything). Is any of your previous work publication-worthy? Can you publish or present anything from your research assistant positions? You should know better than any of us if you have an opportunity to do research that can be presented or published.
  18. No- the other way around. The only school I applied to that had rotations was IU, and they didn't give me an interview- but maybe that's because they rejected my application right away. The school that accepted me doesn't do rotations and accepted me without an interview, but the accepted students event had interviews with potential advisors. The other schools where I had interviews don't do rotations, and the interviews were mostly focused on talking to potential advisors that I expressed interest in earlier.
  19. Did they agree to write you letters and know about the deadlines, etc.? If so, relax- everyone sends their letters at the last minute.
  20. I'm being forced to take a break because my research is going nowhere, but I'll stay near campus (rather than flying home to my parents), in case I get a chance to get something started. So... I don't really know how long this break is going to be; it's already over a week since I've been on campus. Hopefully it won't be much longer, but it seems like if everyone I rely on is taking a break, it would be hard for me to get stuff done.
  21. with grad students, it's hard to know if that's a joke or not.
  22. UC Berkeley ESPM is really slow-at least for rejections- they don't send them out until April. Lat year, I got my rejection from IU in early Feb/late Jan, along with interview invitations and acceptance at other schools.
  23. I guess I should keep reminding myself of the greenhouse gas emissions that going home entails- ~2.5K lbs for the round trip.
  24. I'm tempted to take a winter break because I'm not sure I can get anything done in the lab in the next few weeks anyway. I'm wondering what people in different fields do.
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