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    Video arts and installation.
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    UCLA, School of the Arts

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  1. OutWest

    Los Angeles, CA

    Don't overlook downtown Long Beach (and nearby)...really fun vibe, and well priced rent. I lived there for a bit and loved it (First and Atlantic avenues)
  2. Fair enough. It sounds like Josholas has a solid enough vision of what he wants in order to let claims of his paintings being illsutrations not bother him, and he sound like he doesn't need me coming to his defense. Good to hear. Kill it guys: best of luck!
  3. Ouch...with all due respect to you losemygrip (whose posts I have seen many times and greatly appreciate), don't you think that all of this commentary is better left to the admissions people to decide? Those that are applying have a mere couple months to do so, at best, so sending this poor guy on a mental chase of potential revisions (because you think their work looks like "illustrations") is probably best kept to yourself. Push on with what you have right now, and if you are working on anything else you think worthy, add it in! But, don't try and do a bunch of revisions of finished peices.
  4. It would be a good idea to really know what it is you want to do in your WORK before comitting to an MFA...schools (especially the top ones) aren't there to make teachers, they exist to make artists. And, if you are putting into your Statement that teaching is your biggest goal, rather than your work, schools will more than likely toss you into the waste basket without a second look...by you stating that you would like to apply to any of three (!) genres of art making is deep cause for concern. As far as Photojournalism goes, have you applied to UC Berkeley's or Columbia's Journalism schools? They support such aspirations for photo (and esp. film/video). And, yes, You can teach with Journalism Masters, though, as michaelwebster states, getting a job in any of the performing/expressive arts is a whole other ballgame. Good luck!
  5. For all of you '13 applicants, check out the list I compiled for fully funded (or highly funded) art programs in the US last year. Hopefully this will help those of you that are wanting the best bang for the buck for your MFA: Best of luck to you all. Gavin
  6. I'll jump in on this to agree only because a (highly regarded professional) friend of mine that helps SFAI out with (undisclosed things I will not mention) would agree with a lot of what aethiryn says...that is, it's a mess at the grad level and they have fried their own development/growth with some really shoddy management over the last decade. I'd avoid the grad school (though, the undergrad prog seems to be excellent), at least for the next 5+ years (kids of the future, check the program out again at that time!) It's too bad, because, back in the day, that was a stellar art school. Now, places like CCA simply smoke it (and, CCA used to be the bastard child!). I hope that prog. gets its act together because it has such a storied history... Best of luck to you 2013 peeps.
  7. This is, obviously, a belated reply and more for others that have a similar interest in Brown's LitArts and PhD programs (if cyriac is at Brown, then they will already know about this opportunity, but for others...): Brown has what is called the "Open Graduate Education" program and allows PhD students in any field to get a Masters in another field if they can justify it has some connection with their ultimate research, or other goals. Literary Arts is part of this...(unsure of how the funding would work, but that can be asked). Check out this link: http://www.brown.edu/gradschool/opengraduateprogram and here are the participating programs: http://www.brown.edu/gradschool/node/4638
  8. awthiryn: Glad you are finding worth in this List! Also, you should apply to UCLA New Genres, since you are going for big guns like CalArts and the like. They give full rides and it's such a tremendous program and worth the effort. Good luck!
  9. OutWest

    how old are you?

    43. Dropped out of UCSD at 23, returned at 40 after working in everything from food service, custom cabinetry, failing as a "pro" photographer, slaving away in $%*hole companies doing (really bad) graphic design, then moving all the way up to become an award winning film editor and art director working on tv commercials in LA with some good friends. Now, going to UCLA for my MFA in Fall 2012...you can rock and roll at any age Best of luck to all in your future endeavors.
  10. This is a good question...I have heard that it is comparable to the other UC's such as UC Irvine and UCSB, which have excellent funding. I didn't see financials listed on the UCR website, but send them an email asking about funding/TAships, etc. and I'm sure they will fill you in. Good luck!
  11. Yeah, I agree with "Duchamp", this would be a strange thing to do...especially if you ended up going to a particular school but had "scholoarship awards" from entirely different schools. Aside from making you look "dorky", it would be completely confusing to somebody reading your resume...I, for one, would think you were lying about what school you went to and would either toss your resume out or start doing a background check...
  12. OutWest

    Los Angeles, CA

    WIth a Metro area of over 15 million people, it being SoCal and everyone's car obsession, and the history of LA destroying its PT (it used to have more cable cars than SF a hundred years ago), this is a few of the reasons why we SoCal-ers live with(in) our cars. Also, the city is so freakin' spread out that you NEED a car. Especially since you are there for a long haul (PhD = 5-6 some years), go out and grab one asap The PT is getting better, but believe me, if you are living in, say, Silver Lake or Echo Park and you are attending UCLA, taking Bus 2 (I believe) along Sunset at just about ANY time of day (especially morning, lunch, and evening times), that posted hour and a half ride is going to be a lot longer. You could also get a nice scooter, something I probably will end up doing whether I have a car or not. Good luck!
  13. BTW...UCSC DANM, as far as I have researched, and a couple of friends who applied and/or went there, does not have terrific funding. But, it does have some.
  14. On most of the applications I filled out, they only asked about felonies. So, I wouldn't sweat it...I mean, doing something like getting a ticket for some pot or an open container is chump change...now, stealing a car, on the other hand, lol... spinrah's comment sounds appropriate. Good luck!
  15. I second the thoughts of miyamoto and Rachel...pass on it this year. Apply again next year to schools that will ALL give you excellent funding...there is NO need to go so far into debt. Check out the Forum on here that we all put together on Excellent Funded MFA programs and pick your winners for Fall 2013! Sorry to hear you got so screwed
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