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Everything posted by gellert

  1. VG/G G/F Not recommended. My reviews were actually really flattering, which surprised me, and I was commended on my proposal as well as "overcoming adversity" etc. etc. I was advised to further explain the theoretical basis of my proposal (2nd reviewer) and more explicitly describe a couple of the broader impacts I'd mentioned -- which I hadn't done because of space concerns (again, 2nd reviewer). 1st reviewer had nothing negative to say, all compliments. 2nd reviewer had those criticisms, but coupled with a lot of really strong praise ("clearly a very bright and talented emerging young scientist," what?), so I'm a bit surprised that 2nd reviewer rated me more negatively than 1st reviewer. I wish both had expanded more on the criticisms, especially as reviewer 1 had nothing negative to say yet still gave me middling reviews. But! I still have 3 more chances, actually, since I decided not to go to grad school this year. Time to learn!
  2. Thesis defense was today. Got highest honors! :D Very excited.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sigaba



    3. iwouldpreferanonymity


      Many, many congratulations! That is fantastic news.

    4. gellert


      Thanks, all! :D I had a great time with it.

  3. A bit, yeah. But the window is open 'till 5.
  4. Other time wasters: cracked.com tvtropes.org
  5. I'm going to run out of upvotes soon, and I'll have spent every last one of them on this thread. Mostly on Jimbo.
  6. We are neurotic denizens of the TGC. Are you really that surprised?
  7. 160 users and counting. Think we can make it an even 200?
  8. TGC just didn't load for me because of some kind of gateway problem. Definitely flooding the boards.
  9. I have to defend my thesis tomorrow. I don't want to be up all night refreshing. :|
  10. 2 weeks, 2-4 hours/day. Only studied quant, no verbal. Verbal: 99% Quant: 84%
  11. At this point, I'm starting to think they're just trollin us.
  12. I dreamt about this last night. I hope I get an HM. Not a win, an HM. Since I decided to work next year instead of grad school, I wouldn't be able to accept a Fellowship, and that'd suck. (And I'm a bit dedicated to the idea of taking two years off, now; I wouldn't want to back out of the job in favor of going to one of the schools that accepted or waitlisted me, or calling up one of the ones that didn't.) But I don't want to lose, either.
  13. Yes. Yes, this precisely, only with post bacc fellowships and lab managerships rather than grad school. I know I made the right decision, but I can't get over wondering if maybe I should have made a different one, what would have happened if I had, and would I have been better off.
  14. I have three offers for really prestigious post-bac fellowships and one grad offer from a tier 1 institution. I've already accepted one of the three fellowships/RAships and am EXTREMELY excited about it. (It's with the professor who is without a doubt the leading expert in my subfield, if not the top scientist in my field as a whole who is alive today.) It's a great opportunity and I couldn't be happier about it. Until I got offered another fellowship. And now a third fellowship + lab managership at a top school, which promises first-author publications and authority to design and run my own experiments. I'm not turning down the job I already accepted, as I think the connections I'll make there as well as the things I'll learn + the projects I'll have the chance to work on (as well as the fact that my PI has expressed interest in letting me be involved in project design and said Sie was "interested in my ideas" -- a serious compliment, coming from hir! and I am positive my career will blossom because of this job). However. I still can't escape that weird sense of "Well, what if I hadn't accepted it so soon? Would I have wanted to do X fellowship, or attend Y grad school?" How do you deal with that sort of dissonance? Where even if you know you made the right choice, you can't help wondering about what might have been if you'd taken a different fork in those yellow woods?
  15. O Data! my Data! our fearful trip is done, / The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won!

  16. ^ No, but you can always sublet out your room during the summer! fosgfp - I'm going to be living in an apartment near Kendall with two MIT grad students. When I was seeing the place, they pointed out three apartments nearby that housed their classmates and said the area was inundated with MIT students. I don't think you'll be isolated at all.
  17. Unexpectedly, I got into graduate school! But I've taken this job already, and I'm already excited about it, so I'm going to take the 2 years off anyway. It'll be good for me, I feel.

    1. pheonixx


      congrats on the acceptance! but congrats on deciding to take the time off. I took two years off and it was a great decision.

  18. ...which was recently overturned! Yay!
  19. Dammit, again? I need a life.
  20. Ahh, gotcha. I'm planning on coming back up here anyway in March during my spring break, so I suppose that'd probably be a better time to look at apartments, eh? I wouldn't mind paying May rent for an apartment even if I wasn't living there yet, as long as I can just FIND one!
  21. Hey all - I'm in Boston right now looking for apartments, and I'm not having any luck with the offerings from CL, especially as most rents seem to start in March and I won't be up here until May/June. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how they found their apartments? Are there any other sites I should check out? Thanks!
  22. I got the job!!!! (And yes, this is definitely an occasion for four exclamation points! Make that five(no, six)!

    1. LLajax



  23. Check out the Old Well monument on UNC campus; it's iconic. Also go to Gimghoul Castle to see a really cool giant house (...this is the South, we don't do much interesting here) and catch a movie at the historic Varsity Theater if you can. As for main bars/music venues, there's Cats Cradle and also the Station in Carrboro (the Station is literally in an old train car, and is connected to a restaurant called Southern Rail so you can get dinner and then drinks all in the same place!). Also check out Chapel Hill's many food trucks. The Botanical Gardens are also lovely, a little ways down 15-501. For museums, there's the Ackland Art Museum on the edge of UNC Campus near Franklin Street. Top of the Hill is a bar/restaurant on Franklin that has a balcony view over Franklin Street and is an old favorite, complete with its own in-house brewery and delicious ales. I mean, you could do it, but during rush hour anticipate well over an hour in stop-and-go traffic. Cary is also a bit...cookie-cutter, you could say? A lot (if not most) of people in the Durham and Chapel Hill area not from Cary look down on it as being a demi-Stepford of sorts (not in a good way). But different strokes!
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